I have a new problem and its really tough.
Win7 pro. Iobit problem. Uninstalled program and now new 'puter is really messed up.
Error message: is360tray.exe-system error. rtl120.bpl is missing.
It's really messing with my mind (what little I have left)
Boot problems, freeze problems etc.
P.S. And thank you for dealing with my ignorance. Sometimes I overthink things.
OK, a little rant... I'm not a fan of IOBit. This is especially true since the [url=http://malwarebytes.besttechie.net/2009/11/02/iobit-steals-malwarebytes-intellectual-property/:2cufedue]allegation that IOBit is/was stealing malware definitions from MalwareBytes[/url:2cufedue].
OK, it appears that you installed IOBit Security 360 by the is360tray.exe file. Did you authorize the program to make any changes to your system? How did you uninstall the program?

Thanks all for looking into the problem. Seems ZoneAlarm is not very compatible with win7pro.
I dumped ZA and Avast and Malware and am up and running just fine.
I was used to installing protection software on older versions and it appears that they conflicted with win7s own protective software.
Very happy with win7pro. Just took some letting go to let it do its thing.
Thanks again

even if TheDave could resolve,
I think There are still leftovers of IoBit.
The best way to get rid of them is BitRemover
do not worry if the web page is in ducth, the small program is in english as well

Try reinstalling Auslogics Disk Defragger. It contains this file (rtl120.bpl). Or you can uninstall it, but I'd try to just stop it from starting up first.
This saves me a lot of typing: http://www.freefixer.com/libra.....ile/42131/
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