My business partner turned off his machine and turned off his surge protector (nothing was unplugged) before a big storm with lots of lightning. After the storm passed he "turned on" everything but a no go on start.
When power is turned on (at the back of the machine) a green LED on the motherboard lights but nothing will start. Upon turning off power the LED goes dark. Attempting to start on the front of the machine nothing happens.
Any ideas?
Are you 100% certain that the operating system is not loading and that it is not just a faulty monitor? Is the hard drive light showing any activity at all?
Definitely sounds like hardware damage Terry. Number one suspect in cases such as this is generally power supply unit but seeing how the mobo light is turning on, that seems improbable here.
I would try bare-boning the machine, that is disconnecting every piece of non-essential hardware. Unplug any USB devices, remove any extraneous cards (such as graphic card), disconnect the optical drive and any additional internal hard drives, and remove all RAM cards except for one in the number one slot. Try running the machine like that and see if it shows any signs of life.
Cheers... Jim

Sure, any multi-meter will do that.
The fact that the mobo light is activating indicates that power is being supplied, at least to the mobo. I had a very similar experience with a Win7 machine. Turned off during storm activity but would not boot afterwards, even though the mobo light was active. Turned out to be a faulty graphic card.
If you have tried a different known working internal HDD and still no signs of life, it certainly suggests a faulty PSU.
Maybe one for the repair shop mate.

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