FastStone Image Viewer – a brief tour (Video)

As you may already be aware, there are three very good  image viewers available for us freeware fans; FastStone, IrfanView, and XnView. All three are excellent programs with some nice features and basic yet useful editing options. Choice is purely subjective, I settled on FastStone as my default image viewer simply because I preferred FastStone’s GUI. The following video highlights just some of FastStone’s features and options.

I’m still trying to come to grips with creating these videos, so please bear with me. At one stage my lovely wife looked across at me and asked, in a somewhat perplexed tone, “why are you talking to your computer?“… it doesn’t help the nerves dear. 🙂

faststone image viewer portable

2 thoughts on “FastStone Image Viewer – a brief tour (Video)”

  1. Hi Jim,

    Nice little video tour of my favorite image viewer. I too enjoy the GUI as well as all of the things that this can do, and all for free! Some years ago I purchased FastStone Capture, an excellent screen capture application, at $49.99 for a lifetime license good on 5 computers. I still consider it as money well spent. I hope that others will give the image viewer a go thanks to your efforts.


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