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Do You Miss The “Close All Tabs” Question?

If you previously used Mozilla Firefox and enjoyed having the optional question about closing multiple tabs, I have news for you. When I switched from Firefox to Google Chrome, it was that simple capability that I missed the most. Time after time I closed the browser instead of wanting to just close the tab I was on. It was VERY annoying. Even after I learned about using Ctrl-Shift-T, I still missed being asked that question when there are multiple tabs open and I don’t want to close all the tabs

The other Chrome-based browsers that I’ve tried were Microsoft Edge and Brave. Neither had that capability, until now. I’m here to tell you that the latest version of Brave now asks you about closing multiple tabs.

Mozilla Firefox asks the question like this:

Brave asks the question like this:

I have no idea when or if Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome will get this capability, but you can have it now in Brave.

Do you know other browsers that have or don’t have this capability?

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