DCT Giveaway: Hard Disk Sentinel Professional

[message type=”info”]CONTEST HAS ENDED. Congratulation to our winners below and a BIG Thank you to HDSentinel for sharing these licenses with our winners!
Kari Kotilainen
Dan Street
Greg Bryant
James Turner
Matthew Nunez
R. Edwards
arunkumar raghavan
Florin GHITA
John R

*** Daves Computer Tips Exclusive ***

[important]HDSentinel has very kindly donated 20 ‘lifetime’ licenses for their excellent Hard Disk Sentinel Professional software for us to share with the DCT readers! This software normally sells for $35.00(US) but you now have a chance to win a free license simply by submitting a reply to this article! Contest rules available at the bottom of this post.[/important]

To enter for your chance to win a FREE license for Hard Disk Sentinel Pro simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on Hard Disk Sentinel or previous drive experiences. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) July 5th, 2012. *If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be approved. It will appear shortly!

It is definitely not compulsory, but it would be greatly appreciated if any Facebook account holders could visit the HD Sentinel Facebook Page and click on the “Like” button… thank you.

Every storage device has a finite lifespan – unfortunately – and the common hard drive and SSD are no exception to this rule. Fortunately for us both devices can be monitored for signs of failure using S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) and everyone should have a tool to do so in their virtual tech toolbox. Hard Disk Sentinel is one of those tools.

HDSentinel’s software monitors the S.M.A.R.T. data, temperature, and performance of your drives and presents it in an easy to understand manor visually, or by email. Hard Disk Sentinel Professional also allows the user to run seek, surface, and extended tests on drives and, should conditions indicate a failing drive , perform an emergency backup of critical files! You can use Hard Drive Sentinel to find out the present condition of a drive in real time, or to monitor drive(s) over time which allows you to see drive conditions trends before a failure causes loss of data.

Hard Disk Sentinel (HDSentinel) is a multi-OS SSD and HDD monitoring and analysis software. Its goal is to find, test, diagnose and repair hard disk drive problems, report and display SSD and HDD health, performance degradations and failures. Hard Disk Sentinel gives complete textual description, tips and displays/reports the most comprehensive information about the hard disks and solid state disks inside the computer and in external enclosures.

Hard Disk Sentinel Professional

When you open Hard Disk Sentinel Professional you will see the main window, which will present an overview of all the drives installed on your computer along with temperature and health ratings from drives which provide that information. .

Clicking the Temperature tab will show temperature details for whichever drive you select in the left column. You can also set thresholds from here that will trigger notifications or perform other actions chosen by you.

The following tab shows the raw S.M.A.R.T. data from the drive selected in the left column and allows you to ignore or adjust how the program uses the data.

The information tab shows detailed information about the selected drive including controller, model, size, and much more!

The Logs tab shows any problems logged since the program was installed. Luckily everything looks good on my computer!

The Disk Performance tab allows you to see Read and Write performance of the selected drive.

Finally the Alerts tab shows any alerts for the selected drive the program has read that could be cause for alarm.

This is just a small sample of Hard Disk Sentinel’s features. In addition to the above it can conduct thorough self testing of drives, surface tests, seek time tests, emergency backup of critical files, and much much more! Hard Disk Sentinel Professional is suitable for both the common home user and serious computer tech. Easy to use. Easy to understand. What more can you ask of a tool that everyone should have in the tech toolbox?

To enter for your chance to win a FREE license for Hard Disk Sentinel simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on Hard Disk Sentinel or previous drive experiences. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) July 5th, 2012. *If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be approved. It will appear shortly!


  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Hard Disk Sentinel or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on July 5th, 2012. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On July 6th, 20 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.
  • Winners must claim their license within 14 days of receiving official notification. Unclaimed licenses after that time will be re-drawn.

**NOTE: The licenses are ‘lifetime’ – which means they support all future upgrades, also for free.

 Hard Disk Sentinel Professional is great software to add to your tech toolbox, so Good Luck to everyone and a big THANK YOU to HDSentinel software for allowing us to share this with our readers!

249 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Hard Disk Sentinel Professional”

  1. It’s great to be alerted when drives are degrading and/or drive failure is imminent .

  2. Nice and very informative program, I particulary like HD sentinels alert functions.
    HD sentinel could with ease call my other backup/sync software, if there’s a HD failiure within
    tresholds levels HD sentinel could initiate an immediate backup/sync before any expected HD failure.
    I found this extra layer of protection very useful, thanks for reviewing.


  3. Great software! Using the trial I found it useful. Thanks for the contest, I hope I will be lucky and get one of the 20 lifetime license 🙂

  4. Used the free version for years – winning a licence for the Pro version would be a bonus.

  5. Miroslav Cicko

    When I buy a new drive, I want to test it properly before a gave it my important data to make sure the data will not become a victim of a damaged disk. I test it first by filling up with copies of a test file until the disk is full. Then, I copy all the content of the tested drive back to an older reliable drive. When a tested drive is damaged, it usually stops with an error during writing or reading.

    I was always thinking about how to improve my test method. I wanted to make it more automatic and easily repeatable, because it takes me a lot of time to do it manually (test file preparation, manual copying in batches) and I was not sure about reliability of this test so I had to repeat it several times manually. It might sound paranoic but I really do not want to lost my files. I know HDD Tune and its surface scan ability, but I stopped to rely on this test once it found no errors and no bad sectors on a drive which was actually damaged as I discovered during copying. Bad sectors are silently replaced with spare sectors and surface scanning find no errors although they are hidden errors and thus disk is no more reliable. Now I always check “Reallocated Sector Count” S.M.A.R.T. parameter to see how many hidden bad sectors are there.

    Recently, when I was reading a private disk advertisement, I found a screenshot of the Hard disk Sentinel. I was interesting if it is better than other disk diagnostics tools I knew before. I like advanced settings in surface scan test. I believe that especially a WRITE + read scan test is at least as much reliable as my manual copying and as a documentation says it is running in the “controlled environment” which is an advantage to my manual method. Even more interesting is Read + WRITE + read test (refresh data area) which in addition first read original sector content to write it back after the test, so original disk files are not erased by a test, which is a suitable test method when you already have some needed data on a disk. I would really appreciate a license allowing me to run this useful surface scans. I belive it has other useful features, but I find advanced surface scanning most unique to what I have seen before.

  6. Rajesh Ghadye

    Thank you davescomputertips for lifetime Hard Disk Sentinel Pro.
    It give a full anatomy of your harddisk. Provide and warns against any future risk for the disk, disk errors. had option like advanced power mgmt and free fall control sence, very helpful to boost disk performance.

    love to have it, count me.

  7. It is a very fine programme to be prepared if your HD is okay or bidding you good bye

  8. Just got a new multi-disc PC. This looks like just what I need to keep my HDs humming

  9. Robert Csernus

    I am using a free version. The Hungarian Developer is very helpful if you have any problems.
    (I have lost my activation code and I got it again by e-mail.)
    After all what I needt is the professional version. I would be happy to have it, because it is a very useful and informative program.

  10. I like your rewiev. Great giveaway. Thanks. I would like to take a part in this contest.

  11. Wow! That is a lot of important info. I found out a drive error I was not aware of, thanks!

  12. I stumbled upon Hard Disk Sentinel by accident, but as soon as I read the description, I realized it was exactly what I needed. I own a couple dozen PCs at work and at home, and keeping the hard disks functioning at full capacity on all my machines is absolutely crucial. Hard Disk Sentinel allows me to monitor all of my hard drives so that I know instantly if one is about to give me trouble. Being able to know in advance so precautionary measures can be taken before priceless data is lost is the best thing about owning Hard Disk Sentinel. This has been one of those serendipitous discoveries that turned out to be one of the best things that could have happened to my PCs and me. Thank you, Hard Disk Sentinel!

  13. I have run 4 HDDs on my computer, this Hard Disk Sentinel Professional give me risk for the disk, disk errors and disk temperature. It is great software.

  14. Hi Dave

    I had fatal failures of 2 HDD`s recently.

    The information on those drives were priceless.

    If I had used Hard Disk Sentinel Pro I would have had an early warning system and I could have backed-up everything.



  15. Я из России. Ваш продукт мне очень нравится. Постоянный контроль за жестким диском помогает предотвратить его сбои, а это для пользователя самое главное, иначе вся информация может пропасть. Я с удовольствием воспользовался бы возможностью получить пожизненную лицензию.

  16. Always wonder why my hard disk crashes. Now with Hard Disk Sentinel Pro I know what is happening to my hard disk.
    Thanks Hard Disk sentinel

  17. WhereEaglesNest

    Hard Disk Sentinel saved me a few times from data loss by warning me that my drive was slowly failing and it did so early enough that I was able to replace the drive and move the data before completely failing. Having a pro lifetime license would be great!

  18. This is an awesome program! It helped me confirm in time that one of my hard drives was about to die, and allowed me to make a backup before it died.
    I highly recommend it as the best HDD monitor you can have.

    Please count me in for the license giveaway; it’ll be really helpful.


  19. I already own standard edition of HD sentinel, and im satisfied, wish I could Go Pro Version of HD sentinel

  20. Thanks for the opportunity. So far I have used the free Acronis Drive Monitor and two giveawayware: Ashampoo HDD Control and O&O DriveLED.

  21. well, i have hard disk sentinel standard. it give me information about my hdd. it powerful software.
    i like to try hard disk sentinel pro, it support portable version, so i like to bring my hd sentinel to anywhere anytime.
    so, can you count me in? 😀

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