DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9

***Exclusive To DCT***

Contest has ENDED and winners announced!


Wulfing von Schleinitz

David Forness



Chuck Billow

Ronald Chambers




 A BIG thank you to Ashampoo for their support of DCT and our readers!

Ashampoo has just released the latest version of its outstanding WinOptimizer (v9) software and we have 10 licenses to give away to our readers…Thank You Ashampoo!!

Yes, this is the very latest full version released on 15th February 2012 which would normally sell for $39.99usd, and DCT subscribers now have a chance to win a free license simply by submitting a reply to this article – NOTE: Licenses also include all minor updates free.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 users benefit from an efficient, quick and safe Windows® maintenance as well as a large number of powerful and user-friendly tools which enable them to customize their Windows® computer exactly according to their needs. In response to numerous customer requests, Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 offers two new powerful modules, Registry Defrag and HDD Inspector.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer has long been established as the premier software in its genre. If you are looking for a full maintenance/optimization suite to keep your computer running smoothly and efficiently you can’t go past Ashampoo WinOptimizer, the sheer quantity and quality of included tools and features is mind boggling.There are so many it’s nigh on impossible to cover all aspects of this terrific suite in the usual textual manner so, for a change, we decided to let a few screenshots do the talking:


Main Interface
Main Functions

As you can see, there is so much to Ashampoo WinOptimizer it is impossible to encapsulate all it’s remarkable functionality in just a few words. Suffice to say it is the only software you will ever need to professionally maintain a clean and responsive system running at optimum efficiency.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 Home Page

For your chance to win one of the ten licenses on offer, simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo WinOptimizer. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) 27th February.
 *If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be moderated. It will appear shortly!



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo WinOptimizer or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 27th February. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On Feb 28th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of one FREE license for Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.

Best of luck to everyone and a big THANK YOU again to Ashampoo!!


90 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9”

  1. I have v6 I would love to upgrade to the new version , ashampoo makes great software, sign me up, thanks

  2. David L. Smith MD

    As a senior citizen, I sign up for as many freebies as I can, and Ashampoo Win Optimizer is one of the best products I could possibly get, freebie or not.

  3. Brenda Colbath

    Wow! It is hard to believe that this will do all that it says it can. I am still a newbie at programs. I am probably a day late and a dollar short, but count me in. I have never used a program like this. Hope it has clear lay person instructions. It sounds too good to be true, but I trust you guys.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  4. Rajesh Ghadye

    Thank you davescomputertips for Winoptimizer.
    UI look good improvements, It had no of tool such as Driver cleaner, reg cleaner,uninstall & startup manager, system info, sys benchmark etc.it added functions like HDD Inspector and Reg Defrag.
    Regarding security it had Anti spy which is one of the additional feature winoptimizer had. I suggest to add more skin for the program and small window or bar with basic funtions for easy access or bar giving info of pc health status on startup.
    overall i am much impressed with winoptimizer.
    count me in. thanks

  5. In the past, I’ve always been able to speed up my computer by cleaning, defragging, etc. Currently I can’t figure out whats going on. Ashampoo Win Optimizer seems like the perfect solution! I hope it doesn’t take to long to download with my current slow state!

  6. Hi,
    thanks for this opportunity.
    I tried an older version of this product (Win Optimizer 6 or 7) and I was really impressed of the effectiveness of the tools.
    I expect that version 9 is much more powerful.
    Fingers crossed 🙂

  7. I’ve tried a number of these products and I witnessed the loss of important files and registry settings. WinOptimizer has been the lone exception and the only product I would use.

  8. Great giveaway. Ashampoo WinOptimizer is very good software.Thanks for giveaway ! Count me in.

  9. Well this looks like the cat’s meow and the bee’s knees for the casual computer user like myself. I’ve got a year old laptop that is starting to develope the odd hiccup. Thanks for the opportunity.

  10. thanks for this giveaway, currently I’ve been using its version 6, and I’m satisfied with its performance.

  11. great giveaway indeed, i’ve tried version 8, i would love to get the newest version installed on my pc.
    please count me in on the draw, thank you, and good luck to all.

  12. This is AWESOME! What I’ve read about this program, it’s REALLY GOOD!!! I Would LOVE to win the license for it.

  13. I can’t remember how often I have considered installing something from Ashampoo on my computer. I am very cautious about anything that goes on my computer and always check reviews and ratings to determine if the software would be useful, safe, and works as described by the developer. Ashampoo has always met that criteria so I think this would be the time to get me over my hesitations.

    After reading all the comments here, that seals the deal for me.

    Thanks Dave for continuing to bring us “Dave’s Computer Tips”.

  14. Great giveaway. I have been using Ashampoo Win Optimiser for several years. About time for an upgrade.

  15. An excellent program that has proving itself time and time again for me. By all means toss my name into the hat, and thanks to you and Ashampoo for making it available.

  16. This is exactly the kind of product that us less than techno smarts need to keep our systems running smoothly. Thanks for making it available.

  17. rolan francisco

    Sure like to have one and compare it with Auslogics BoostSpeed and see which is better. Thanks.

  18. Wulfing von Schleinitz

    Have been using WinOptimizer version 6 and 8 for some time. Hope the new version is geared to 64bit machines because version 8 wasn’t there yet.

  19. Larry Henderson

    I have used several ashampoo products over the years, and have always been very satisfied. They’re products are very competitive and cost very little. Some years ago, my interests changed from computer systems and I let several ashampoo licenses lapse. I would very much like to win this optimizer and start using ashampoo products again. Thanks for the chance!

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