DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Uninstaller 5

[message type=”info”]Winners have now been drawn – and the winning names are:

  1. SK
  2. Have
  3. Dave
  4. baldeagleretired
  5. Mike Markwick
  6. rodney
  7. Shiri
  8. Cheryl
  9. Robert Rozijn
  10. Matthew Nunez


Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone who entered.[/message]

***DCT Exclusive***

Compliments of our good and generous friends at Ashampoo we have 10 full licenses for Ashampoo Uninstaller 5 to give away to our subscribers. This is the very latest version of this terrific software, just released on September 19th and  incorporating all new monitoring technology as well as many other improvements and additions.

For your chance to win one of the licenses, simply submit a reply to this article with a comment… comments can be anything but we’d prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo Uninstaller 5 software… Giveaway ends 14th October

*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it’s because first comments must be moderated… it will appear shortly!

Uninstalling programs can be a right pain in the you know what. Even those uninstallers built into applications specifically for the purpose tend to leave associated files and registry items behind. These leftover bits and pieces accumulate and can often create conflicts and other issues. There is only one method which is automatic and guarantees a totally complete uninstall, and that is system monitoring. With version 5, Ashampoo has now taken that methodology to a whole new level:

Installation Monitoring 2.0

No more before-after-comparisons. Ashampoo UnInstaller 5 monitors file and system operations in real time with smart filtering technology, rendering CPU-intensive logging operations obsolete.

Download is a tick over 17.0MB,  it goes without saying that it is 100% clean. However, if you don’t want to allow all of the changes/extras, I suggest you utilize the ‘Custom’ install option which then enables deselection of any unwanted items. Otherwise, just go ahead with the Express installation:

Uninstaller 5’s main interface retains the high level of intuitiveness we’ve come to expect from Ashampoo software, with no unnecessary clutter and nice big buttons clearly defined for primary operations:

Ashampoo Uninstaller 5 is an excellent professional uninstaller, but there is so much more to it than that. Incorporating a wide array of useful tools, it pretty much becomes your one-stop maintenance suite. I knew Ashampoo included some extra tools but I had no idea there were so many, and catering for so many areas. I’ll let the pictures do the talking:

System tools:

Administration tools:                                                                                                 File tools:


 General tools:                                                                                                             Windows tools:


How’s that for a WOW factor!! And you now have a chance to win this fantastic software absolutely free (normally sells for $39.99us).

Read more about Ashampoo Uninstaller 5 on the HOME PAGE.



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Uninstaller 5 or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 14th October. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On October 15th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners can claim their licenses by submitting a contact form which will be available once the draw has been completed and winning names published… *Please read this Important Announcement.
  • Winners must claim their license within 14 days. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn.


Another great product from Ashampoo… thank you once again Ashampoo!!

65 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Uninstaller 5”

  1. ANY Ashampoo software is PERFECT. I LOVE them all. Ashampoo Uninstaller is no exception to this rule. What I love about this software is that (quote) “it will search and remove all the leftover files and registry entries”. Therefore, there will be no trace whatsoever of the uninstalled program.
    I would love to participate in this giveaway


    Thank you so much.

  2. Jahangir Hasan

    I always love to try ashampoo softwares. I have used Uninstaller 4 which is very good but I felt not very user friendly. Ashampoo Uninstaller 5 seems much better in this aspect. I would love to have one.

  3. A great review, the Ashmpoo software that i do use regulary is great too and the Unistaller would fit in nicely.

  4. Asriel Rusdyawan

    Thanks for this Giveaway Dear Jim.
    Please kindly to count me in for this Great Giveaway..

    Great One…

  5. When we established the program to record the changes made by the program and also a very nice feature to erase all changes made to the program we lifted.

    Thanks For campaign.

  6. If there’s even an ounce of improvement over the standard laggy, bare-bones, takes forever to load – Windows uninstaller – then sign me right up.

  7. Hello, been using Ashampoo software for a very long time, and im satisfied, very user friendly, useful, and good looking, have used Ashampoo Uninstaller 4, but this is way better, especially the realtime monitoring feature, love it, would be happy to win, count me in, thanks

  8. Hi!
    I use many products from Ashampoo, thank you for the opportunity to win Uninstaller 5.
    Best regards!

  9. Thanks Jim for the giveaway.

    Looking forward to win the new version- and use its improved monitoring tool.

    On another note I’m shocked as to why Ashampoo keeps bundling their software with crap stuff of home page change, etc. Any thoughts?

    Please count me in.


  10. Ashampoo products are always amazing so do Ashampoo Uninstaller 5. I am using trial version Ashampoo Uninstaller 5 since last 4 days it is pretty amazing product, it monitors the product installation and logs all the changes made during installation. So that when you uninstall any product there is no trace left behind. It does its job quickly than any other uninstaller i have used.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  11. Great improvements about Ashampoo Unisntaller. I hope they improve the scanning and removing process of files and registries towards superb safety. I hope they implement the drag and drop of the installer to the Uninstaller GUI.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. I’m using several of Ashampoo’s software, and I find it doing what they have stated. Thank you for the giveaway software.

  13. A great company and always produce the ‘goods’. I have an earlier version of this program bur it would be great to have the latest one

  14. I have tried all of the major uninstallers, but this one looks terrific. I hope I win!!!

  15. Great software have a few of there products but not this one, had an earlier version as long as you install it before installing any other programs it will remove all traces when un-installing, would love the latest version so count me in please and thanks.

  16. I have used Ashampoo products for many years and have always been fond of the complete way in which they approach any utility. I have photo commander, burning studio 11 and have looked at Ashampoo Uninstaller for quite bit. The program obviously addresses many areas of Windows that are not well put together. Ashampoo Uninstaller on the other hand and thus leave a lot to desire.
    I am a computer user who like many depends on excellent programs to run my daily activities and Ashampoo is a leader in the addressing of Microsoft’s and many others short comings. Getting this program could open a new vista for me. I have used Revo uninstaller and have had issues with this program’s uninstall procedure for many months now and they have yet to fix this nor am I able to find the issues surrounding the software. Whenever I used Ashampoo’s support system I have gotten clear and concise answers and know this will carry through regardless of the problem.
    I am disabled so buying this program has been prohibitive. I hope this giveaway has the ability to make my desire to get this program come true.
    Thanks for reading this and your kindness in thinking of my submission.

  17. I’ve used Ashampoo products before and found they write pretty good software, so it would be nice to try this uninstaller program they offer.

  18. Baldeagleretired

    WOW what a great deal. I would love to have this program. Windows add remove programs tends to leave a lot of junk on my computer.

  19. Mike Markwick

    I have been using Ashampoo software for a very long time Win Optimizer, burning Studio, HHD2, Photo Studio, Ashampoo makes fabulous software with any of their software you can’t go wrong. I would love to be entered in draw please. Thanks

  20. Ashampoo has , without question, some of the best software out there. I do not have Ashampoo Uninstaller 5 , but I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to own it . Thank you for your consideration !

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