DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5

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THIS GIVEAWAY HAS NOW EXPIRED. The winning names have now been drawn – and the winners are:
  1. Michaeleen Muhovich
  2. Rob
  3. Ken Wolf
  4. Mike M
  5. Robert Willey
  6. Cindy Shultz
  7. John Guerin
  8. Patricia I Kainu
  9. Karl Marx
  10. alex19100
Congratulations to the winners, emails have been sent and you now have 14 days in which to claim your licenses.
Thank you to everyone who entered, your support is very much appreciated.


***DCT Exclusive***

Ashampoo has just released a brand new version of its outstanding Photo Optimizer software (released on 27th June). To help celebrate, the generous folk at Ashampoo have kindly donated 10 free licenses for us to giveaway to our subscribers… thank you Ashampoo!!!
Now you have a chance to be among the very first to own the latest version of this excellent software… for free!! Simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo Photo Optimizer software. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) July 8th, 2012.
**If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be approved. It will appear shortly!

Enhancing and optimizing your photos with just one click has never been easier! Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5 impresses with its brand new look. A long search for your desired function or favorite effect is a thing of the past – those functions and effects can now be accessed instantly. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5 is the intelligent tool for that certain something in your photos! All functions are clearly arranged and easily accessible. This allows you to achieve amazing results right from the start. Add brilliance and refinement to your pictures in just a few clicks!

Key Features:

  • One-click optimization for impressive results
  • Effects visualization through instant before-and-after view
  • Color correction with fully adjustable parameters
  • Red eye correction
  • Freely positionable and customizable watermarks
  • Image aging effect
  • Integrated support for social networks
  • Automated backups

Ashampoo is renowned for producing software which exemplifies the ultimate in user friendliness, and Photo Optimizer is no exception – as typified by Ashampoo Photo Optimizer’s simplistic yet remarkably powerful ‘one-click’ optimization feature. You probably won’t be able to tell from the ‘before and after’ display in following screenshot, but I can assure you the results are exceptional. I passed several original photos, which already looked perfectly fine to me, through the one-click feature and the enhancements are truly amazing:

While ease of use is Ashampoo’s trademark, more advanced users are not overlooked either – there is plenty under Photo Optimizer’s hood to satisfy the ‘enthusiast’. Options for performing manual corrections, adding effects, adding watermarks, and exporting are all well defined and very easy to locate in Ashampoo’s usual intuitive interface – from both the main menu across the top and from the right-side menus:








Ashampoo Photo Optimizer is ‘must have’ software for everyone who works with photos, whether a purely amateur ‘happy snapper’ (such as myself) or dedicated enthusiast.

Read more on the Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5 HOME PAGE


  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Photo Optimizer.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on July 8th, 2012. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On July 9th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.
  • Winners must claim their license within 14 days of receiving official notification. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer is terrific software and a great prize, best of luck to all entrants… and a big THANK YOU again to Ashampoo!

62 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5”

  1. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer has always been soooooooooo good looking forward to obtaining this with the latest features.

  2. A chance to win Ashampoo Photo Optimizer, adding to my fabulous Ashampoo software collection??? YES, PLEASE!!

  3. I have used a wide range of Ashampoo products for some years now and am always amazed at what they create. Thank you Ashampoo.
    This particular one Photo Optimizer I have never used but from what is displayed it seems to be really great. As we are reaching retirement years with many grandchildren we are looking for something to make our photos really stand out and be readily editable.
    So we are hoping we may be one of the ten!
    Thank you Jim for your involvement and bringing this to everybody.

  4. I really like this program is very useful. Please code the new version, my photos will look so much better

  5. I take a lot of pictures for a non profit home and school for teen age mothers. I have been looking for an easy program to use to fix my photos and Ashampoo seems like it is the one.

  6. Ashampoo has been so good to your followers, Dave, and every product of theirs I’ve tried is superb.

  7. Ashampoo do some great software, I have Winoptimizer 9, Burning Studio 9, Photo Commander 8 so I no first hand how good there software are, so count me in for this please and thanks.

  8. Wow! What a tool…
    I travel overseas extensively and take lots of photos which are edited and then published as travel books for each country/major location. I constantly have the desre to vary contrast, selectively enhance a portion of a picture, vary cropping, etc. This is clearly a leader and goes beyond the Picassa edit limits. Count me in!!

  9. I tried the trial version of this program. Powerful easy to use program with many options.

  10. rolan francisco

    Please count me in. I like Ashampoo products because of their ease of use.

  11. This is the best Photo editing and organizing tool I have ever used. I use the version 3 of this software. Please count me in for the giveaway.

  12. Ashampoo has always offered decent software at decent prices – and with a constant stream of extraordinary specials. I cannot comment to their technical support, but their customer/sales support has always been responsive, too.

  13. I am currently using Ashampoo Burning Studio 10. Great program. I would like to give Photo Optimizer a try.


  14. I really like the “1-click optimization” feature. It really helps me a lot. Just 1-click and upload to my social media account and your done.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Thanks! Would be nice to replace the old version on latest. So, I would like to participate in a lottery. I’ve been using it since version 2. Them, which deals with images, it is necessary, which are not engaged, it could also be used, because no good machine does not make a good picture of themselves.

  16. Hello,
    I using ashampoo software and I like this.
    Ashampoo software house is for me very well.
    thank’s for the opportunity to win another great software to ashampoo.

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