DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Music Studio 4

[message type=”info”]The winners have now been drawn, and the winning names are…

  • Isabella
  • vhick
  • Johanos
  • Tonya
  • Mark Harrington
  • Hugh Williams
  • Peter Mundy
  • Emlyn Williams
  • Patti Herr
  • Georgette
  • Jeremy


Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to everyone who entered… we rely on your support to keep these giveaways coming.[/message]

***DCT Exclusive***

Ashampoo has just released a brand new version of its excellent Ashampoo Music Studio (released on 25th July). To help celebrate, the generous folk at Ashampoo have kindly donated 11 free licenses for us to giveaway to our subscribers… thank you Ashampoo!!!

Now you have a chance to be among the very first to get the latest updated version of this terrific software… for free!! Simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Music Studio. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) August 5th, 2012.

So exactly what is Music Studio? According to Ashampoo:

Ashampoo Music Studio is your all-in-one solution to create, edit, design and produce your music. Ashampoo Music Studio 4 covers the entire workflow from music creation to production. Supported audio formats: FLAC, MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA

What’s new in Music Studio 4:

Music Studio rebooted… Better looks, faster performance, new features – it simply is our best Music Studio yet!

User Interface… We have completely redesigned the product and removed any clutter to provide maximum clarity and to help you focus on the task at hand.

More Speed… Music Studio 4 feels snappier than ever. On average, it takes less than three seconds to launch the product and start working and audio conversion now features multi-core support for lightning fast results.

Video-2-Music… Always wanted to get that beautiful music from your favorite videos on your PC? With Music Studio 4, you can. Video-2-Music makes audio extraction a simple select-and-click process – it couldn’t be easier.

Mix Tape… Only in Music Studio – add new variety to your music collection and combine your favorite songs seamlessly with full crossfading support.

Launching Music Studio 4 reveals Ashampoo’s famously intuitive user interface. As usual, all components are indicated by a series of large clearly defined buttons, access is simply a matter of clicking on the appropriate button:

As one would expect, Music Studio is replete with useful functions and operations have been simplified to perfection, each individual interface provides simple, easy to follow steps – here is a selection:

Edit Cover
Mix Tape
Video to Music

Ashampoo Music Studio 4 is a fabulous program for anyone, and especially for those who appreciate their music.


  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Music Studio.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on August 5th, 2012. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On August 6th, 11 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.
  • Winners must claim their license within 14 days of receiving official notification. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn

Best of luck to all entrants and a big THANK YOU again to Ashampoo!

[important]How would also like to have a chance at winning an 8GB iPod Touch, for free? Well you can right now as part of DCT’s Birthday Celebrations. Just click on the following link to read more and enter… DCT Giveaway: Birthday Edition – Win an iPod Touch.[/important]

71 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Music Studio 4”

  1. Ashampoo makes great software and very easy you. I would love win music studio 4. Yes please…

  2. Hi Ashampoo music studio seems useful. It provides the essential tools and has a clean UI design.

    Thanks you for running another wonderful contest

  3. Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win this and have one program that rips, converts, edits, and burns.

  4. WOW!!! This would be GREAT to Win! The Ashampoo Music Studio would be a GREAT Addition to my Music library and my music playing, I play the Keyboard and guitar. So winning this would be FREAKIN AWESOME!!!! Thanks for the chance to win this Awesome software!
    You guys ROCK!!!

  5. Even with more comprehensive music packages, it is nice to have something like Ashampoo Music Studio for second systems and for quick operations.

  6. Thanks for the great Ashampoo Music Studio 4 Giveaway. Ashampoo Music Studio 4 appears to be both speedy and accurate – both critical to me.

  7. Edward Ten Eyck

    Another great giveaway. Ashampoo Music Studio will be a handy program I’m sure judging by their other products. I use their Burning Studio quite
    often and love it!

  8. Kevin Gildersleeve

    Ashampoo has always been a solid program. Thanks for the contest!

  9. Thank you for the awesome Giveaway. I like the Mix Tape and Produce features of the program. Would love to win this! Please count me in and thank you again for such a great Giveaway!!

  10. Hi

    I own about 90% of Ashampoo`s products. All products are well developed and supported so Ashampoo Music Studio 4 will make a great addition to my collection.

    Thanks davescomputertips.com

  11. Litte Taintains

    Thanks for this nice contest. I really like Music Studio because it’s simply but effective.

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