DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Burning Studio 12

[message type=”info”]Winners have now been drawn – and the winning names are:

  1. donis beltran
  2. Pino
  3. Manu
  4. Nicola
  5. willieboy
  6. Larry Rydel
  7. Neosilver
  8. Bob M
  9. abath6
  10. Tomasz M


Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone who entered.[/message]

***DCT Exclusive***

Just released (on 14th November), this is the latest and greatest version of Ashampoo Burning Studio. Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 would normally sell for $49.99us but DCT subscribers now have a chance to win a license for this outstanding burning suite absolutely free.

Ashampoo has kindly donated 10 licenses for 10 lucky winners…. thank you Ashampoo! All you need do for your chance to win is submit a reply to this article with a comment. Comments can be anything but we’d prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo Burning Studio software.

*Competition ends 25th November

*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it’s because first comments must be moderated… it will appear shortly!

Ashampoo Burning studio 12 goes way beyond your standard burning suite, incorporating just about every single function you’ll ever need. Not only does this brilliant software provide all your required burning functions, it also includes… get this:

  • *A fully fledged DVD Author – burn your movies to DVD or Blu-ray for viewing on TV.
  • *An excellent slideshow creator – grab your favorite photos, create a slideshow (with transitions, pan and zoom, music), and burn to disc.
  • *A great cover creator – all shapes and sizes including print-to-disc labels.

You would normally be looking at separate products to perform all these functions but with Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 you get the whole lot in one terrific package. Here is a preview of the main menu and sub-menu items:

Of course, as with all products from Ashampoo, Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 is not only replete with features and highly effective, it’s also very easy to navigate and use.



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 25th November. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On November 26th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners can claim their licenses by submitting a contact form which will be available once the draw has been completed and winning names published… *Please read this Important Announcement.
  • Winners must claim their license within 14 days. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn.


In my humble opinion, Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 is the best burning suite on the planet! On behalf of DCT and all our readers, thank you again Ashampoo!


124 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Burning Studio 12”

  1. Awesome giveaway in festive seasons,
    The of Burning Studio is that it had support for all type of disc, Support for videocd, SVCD, audio cd etc. Simple select option for Autorun Disc.
    Use interface is good and easy access for option available. The thing i noticed about v12 it is quick in launch & low in ram usage as compared to its last version even giveaway versions. it had disc ripper, if ashampoo combine it with converter it will be to good.

    Thank you for giveaway. count me in davescomputertips

  2. Ashampoo Burning Studio is an application that has no equal in terms of burning, has everything you need without unnecessary additives that make Nero clumsy.

  3. Richard Kernebone

    Always good to hear from you Jim and the crew at Daves Computer Tips. I have been a very satisfied user of earlier versions of Ashampoo Burning Studio, as well as many other Ashampoo software programs. Please count me in the draw.

  4. excellent thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!. Burning studio is great in all funtions of burn, copy, rip, erase, apart from it it had functions like disc image cover creator, Full pledged slideshow creator. count me for it DCT

  5. I’m using Ashampoo Burning Studio Elements and I think that this is a good software. But newer version should be better! Many thanks for giveaway. Count me in.

  6. Thanks Jim.
    I would like to win a license for Ashampoo Burning Studio 12. Please count me in!

  7. I use Ashampoo products for several years whether to optimize your computer, ending imaging recording. At this time, the recording serves me Ashampoo Burning Studio Elements. This product has a friendly interface that is user, and it’s simple to use. Compared to the competition is not overloaded with unnecessary extras. I am taking part in the competition because Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 works with Windows 8 I wish you all the luck, and I’d like to thank davescomputertips for organizing the competition.

  8. I have been using Ashampoo for quite some time and would use nothing else; it is an exceptional program. Obviously, I would welcome the latest version.

  9. This is the best cheaper alternative to NERO. I’ve used the prior version of this GEM and I was favorably impressed by its final performance.
    I can’t believe they managed to make another enhanced version of this program with a better and even more organized interface and new terrific features, such as the “AutoPlay Editor” designed to create auto-starting discs with interactive menus once you insert your disk.
    If you like the idea to burn at very high speed any multimedia files directly from your smartphone or digital camera using an extremely powerful multi-core processor this is the right tool for you.
    Please count me in!!

  10. I use this now and it works very well. Would love to have the newer version if lucky enough to get it.

  11. I used the prior version of this awesome burning software but this new version seems to be even better and easier to use: besides that it appears that the RAM USAGE is quite bit lower compared to previous versions.

    Count me in Jim!

  12. G’day Jim
    I am using this excellent and easy to work with burning software for many years and I’m burning to burn my next project with “Burning Studio 12”.
    Thanks and see ya later, mate!

  13. Robert Rozijn

    Used a couple of Ashampoo prodcuts in the past. Good software for a good price.

  14. I’ve always used Nero, but haven’t bought a new licence for the past two years due to all the junk it installs along side the burning software. Time for a change me thinks!!

  15. Great software. I have been using Ashampoo for years and have found it can’t be outdone. As with everyone, once you try it you will not be satisified with other programs.

  16. Thanks Mr. Jim for this contest. I’ve won a license. Was using v10 of this software which is available for free now by the name Ashampoo Burning Studio 2012 which isn’t half bad either.

  17. donis beltran

    Mr. Jim Hillier thank you very much for this amazing giveaway I am very happy to have won a license of Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 is an excellent program greetings.

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