DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Burning Studio 12

[message type=”info”]Winners have now been drawn – and the winning names are:

  1. donis beltran
  2. Pino
  3. Manu
  4. Nicola
  5. willieboy
  6. Larry Rydel
  7. Neosilver
  8. Bob M
  9. abath6
  10. Tomasz M


Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone who entered.[/message]

***DCT Exclusive***

Just released (on 14th November), this is the latest and greatest version of Ashampoo Burning Studio. Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 would normally sell for $49.99us but DCT subscribers now have a chance to win a license for this outstanding burning suite absolutely free.

Ashampoo has kindly donated 10 licenses for 10 lucky winners…. thank you Ashampoo! All you need do for your chance to win is submit a reply to this article with a comment. Comments can be anything but we’d prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo Burning Studio software.

*Competition ends 25th November

*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it’s because first comments must be moderated… it will appear shortly!

Ashampoo Burning studio 12 goes way beyond your standard burning suite, incorporating just about every single function you’ll ever need. Not only does this brilliant software provide all your required burning functions, it also includes… get this:

  • *A fully fledged DVD Author – burn your movies to DVD or Blu-ray for viewing on TV.
  • *An excellent slideshow creator – grab your favorite photos, create a slideshow (with transitions, pan and zoom, music), and burn to disc.
  • *A great cover creator – all shapes and sizes including print-to-disc labels.

You would normally be looking at separate products to perform all these functions but with Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 you get the whole lot in one terrific package. Here is a preview of the main menu and sub-menu items:

Of course, as with all products from Ashampoo, Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 is not only replete with features and highly effective, it’s also very easy to navigate and use.



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 25th November. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On November 26th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners can claim their licenses by submitting a contact form which will be available once the draw has been completed and winning names published… *Please read this Important Announcement.
  • Winners must claim their license within 14 days. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn.


In my humble opinion, Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 is the best burning suite on the planet! On behalf of DCT and all our readers, thank you again Ashampoo!


124 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Burning Studio 12”

  1. I have been using Burning Studio 10 to burn hymns to CD for church services for a couple of years now. It is great. I would like to have the opportunity to try out the new features.

  2. I have been using Ashampoo Burning Studio on every computer I have ever owned. I also use it on my friends and families PC’s. There is not a single thing I would change about it. It is absolutely the best, and I love it! Please count me in this giveaway. I would love to update to the latest version and give it a try. Thank so much for this wonderful giveaway and a big thanks to Ashampoo!

  3. Ashampoo makes a variety of excellent software. I still use one of their older uninstaller programs (because I didn’t win the their latest version in the last give-away). I have never tried their disc burning suite. But, I’ve never used an Ashampoo software I didn’t like. Ashampoo rocks!

  4. Hello. Ive been using ashampoo burning studio for a number of years. Currently I have v9. So to get the latest version would be tops. Thanks.

  5. Ashampoo Burning Studio is very the best program burning, and not really interest for nero again because nero is very bad after for the new version.

  6. Prabhath Kaushalya

    Great giveaway. Ashampoo Burning Studio is one of the best burning software.Thank you Jim and team.Please count me in!

  7. I love Ashampoo products and Burning Studio is no exception. Please count me in 🙂

  8. Paulo Teixeira

    I have the 11 version of the software and I’d like to win this update. Thanks for the opportunity.

  9. Hi, I´been using ABS 10 for almost a year, and for me, it´s the best suite for burning and riping. I hope to be a lucky winner!!!
    And, thanks Ashampoo for your great products!!!

  10. All Ashampoo products are terrific, so I would truly enjoy winning one of their latest give-aways. Thanks again.

  11. Thank’s for this giveaway.
    Ashampoo make very good software and I have an old version of Burning studio and work very well.
    I hope to win One license of this great software.

  12. Wulfing von Schleinitz

    I have been using the Ashampoo Burning Studio for a number of years now. Currently have version 10 and 11 on my computer. Must admit to being surprised that there is another version already. But I recommed Ashampoo’s Burnign Studio for its ease of use.

  13. Donald Webster

    I have several hundred old cassette and reel to reel recordings I am attempting to organize to CDs. This will be just what I need to finalize my project. Thanks Ashampoo for the oportunity.

  14. I have been using Ashampoo products for a number of years and highly recommend them. I use Ashampoo Burning Studio on a regular basis, it would be good to receive the latest version.
    If any problems arise with any of their software Ashampoo quickly sort it out and very often give you an updated version of the software that is causing the problem.
    I will always use Ashampoo software.

  15. I am running version 10 The current version is said to be lighter for the system. Please count me in. Thanks 🙂

  16. I have used a previous version and it worked very well – would love to have the newest version. Thanks for the chance!

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