DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4

[message type=”info”]The winning name has now been drawn – and the winner is:

  • Cheryl Vanessa

Cheryl Vanessa has been contacted by email and now has 14 days in which to claim the license.


Congratulations to Cheryl and thanks to everyone who entered.[/message]


Ashampoo CAD Pro banner

Compliments of Ashampoo’s generosity we have one (1) license for Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4 (value $299.99us) to give away to a lucky subscriber. This is the very latest version of this fully professional software, just released on 23rd January.
For your chance to win this great gift, all you need do is submit a reply to this article with a comment. We would prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional software and told us why this software would be useful to you… competition closes 10th February.

*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it’s because first comments must be moderated… it will appear shortly!

[important]Please note that this is *Professional* software. We also have five (5) licenses for Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 4 up for grabs, you can enter that giveaway contest here: DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 4[/important]

CAD Software for Professionals

Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4 is the ideal solution to plan, visualize and communicate your interior and exterior design ideas.

Ashampoo CAD Pro screenshot

  • Design single rooms, apartments or entire buildings including gardens
  • Add included furniture and other objects or import existing 3D models in all common formats
  • Apply realistic lighting for realistic impressions of your buildings
  • Create your own windows and window types. Pro
  • Extended roof features. Pro
  • Import/export 2D DXF/DWG project files. Pro
  • Export your models to Maxon Cinema 4D. Pro
New Features in Ashampoo CAD Professional 4
Project Wizard
  • Step 1: Enter project data such as building contractor, planner and project location. New
  • Step 2: Select measuring units, scale and floor plan shape.
  • Step 3: Specify dimensions.
  • Step 4: Edit number of floors with adjustable heights. New
  • Step 5: Select the roof from pre-defined shapes or customize each roof side individually. New
Extended Roof Features – Pro
  • Customizable roof extensions: Create individual designs for each roof side.
  • Roof merging: Merge individual roofs with two mouse-clicks. Calculation of new structures happens automatically while individual parts remain editable.
  • Support for circular roofs
  • Create roofs with corrugated sheets of different profiles
  • Customizable timber construction
  • Roof openings

Pro = available in Ashampoo 3D CAD 4 Professional only.

Ashampoo CAD Pro screenshot 2

I have done a lot of copying and pasting here, I know, and do apologize for that. Simply put, my expertise in this particular area is limited to say the least. Anyway, Ashampoo has laid out all the features and functionality expertly on the product home page, including Overview, Feature Details, Screenshots, and Tutorials… check it out here: Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4.

What I do know is that you can rely on Ashampoo’s sterling reputation for producing quality full-featured software.

[important]**BEFORE ENTERING THIS CONTEST PLEASE BEAR IN MIND: Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4 is a large download…  978.36MB.[/important]



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional and told us why it would be useful to you.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 10th February. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On February 11th, 1 reply will be chosen by random number generator as the winner of 1 FREE license.
  • The winner can claim their license by submitting a contact form which will be available (on this page) once the draw has been completed and winning name published.
  • The winner must claim their license within 14 days. If the license remains unclaimed after that time it may be re-drawn.


Best of luck to all… and a big THANK YOU to Ashampoo!!

34 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4”

  1. Great giveaway! Even Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4 or this, is a true winner! Simple interface to design depends on your taste.


  2. Thanks for this great giveaway.
    Ashampoo makes a good software and I like it. So I would be thrilled to win.

  3. Carson Jonson

    Please enter my name in the drawing, and Thanks for making this contest possible.

    I have not used Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4, so there’s not much I can say about it. However, after reading its features in the description above, I CAN say that it must be awesome!

  4. I have used CAD programs for several years but could never afford.to but any of them. This program is by far
    a very complete CAD Program with great promise/
    Just wish the cost wasnr’t so great, as money is tight. However, aside from that I have tried using this and found it fully sound.
    If anyone truly would perfer a reliable CAD program This would be it. If the owner contunies to develope this program, it would
    be comprable to Autocad Lite I feel. I hope this helps someone not sure about what they are looking for.

    Dan Sims

  5. I have used few cad softwares but not ashampoo. Looks great & easy to use.

  6. Thank you for the giveaway! I like Ashampoo software and Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4 looks like a very powerful CAD application. A license would be highly appreciated!

  7. I have land I’ve always planned to build on. Planning with landscaping, etc., looks very exciting. Since this is the Pro version, does it mean that I could prepare the documents necessary to get a building permit?

  8. Asriel Rusdyawan Allolinggi

    I like designing House or something like that because I am just newbie to 3D Design.
    So I really need something which is simple but powerful. Experienced with other products of Ashampoo.
    I think this new offer will be the best offer for me to start learning new thing around 3D Design. This Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional will really
    help me developing my sense of 3D Design which pro’s did.

    Please kindly to count me in too..

  9. I haven’t had the opportunity to use the Ashampoo 3D CAD Pro 4 software, so I cannot say anything good or bad about it. I do, however, own several other of their fine products and am so pleased that I wouldn’t even consider switching to other developers’ titles. If this product follows suite, and I am confident it will, it should e a real blockbuster of a CAD program. I want it !
    This looks like a great replacement for the Visio 2D stuff that I routinely have to produce for clients who are, for want of a better term, “graphically focused” visual learners.
    I must thank Ashampoo and DCT for providing this opportunity.

  10. This looks like a great piece of software. Would love to see the output on the 3D printer a friend just acquired.

  11. Rick Mattingly

    Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 4 appears to be a great CAD program to do it all. Count me in!

  12. Ashampoo makes GREAT software. I have been using CAD software for over 25 years – mostly AutoCad and Bentley MicroStation. This program loooks to be more user friendly and would fit my needs perfectly. Thanks for the opportunity to win this.

  13. I have a number of Ashampoo products and they consistantly are high quality. I will be interested to see how this CAD program compares with AutoCAD.

  14. I am currently involved with a couple of projects where this program would be a Godsend. My chess club has acquired an essentially old barn which we want to refurbish and re-design as a chess playing club and/or tournament playing hall. As a proud owner of several excellent Ashampoo products I can only hope and drool over the prospect of acquiring this program!

  15. Ashampoo is the first company which presented to me a giveaway soft. Free and without no obligations!!! It was many years ago. From their soft my giveaway collection` s begins. I always looked at this soft on their site and thought that it would be great to have it, because it is SO wonderful! Thank u if I `ll be lucky to have, if NO – my really great congratulation to the winner because he\she will be an owner of the really wonderful soft. 🙂

  16. this design software from Ashampoo will be useful indeed, my brother in law is an architect engineer, well he draw house and building manually, i think this software will help him a lot.
    please count me in, and thank you for the opportunity.

  17. A while back I wanted to design a tool cabinet I was going to build. I almost bought a 3D modelling tool but found you could not save files in the reasonably priced “handyman” version. I tried open source and struggled for days to master the most basic features.. In the end, I resorted to hand drawing a scale model. I have a home renovation coming up and am wondering what to do. Spend hundreds or hand draw plans. I have used Ashampoo products in the past and find them excellent. I would be really grateful to get my hands on this piece of software. I am sure looking at a 3D result will make the renovation much more of a success.

  18. with this application can be more focused my energies to the idea and not for other things, thanks for this giveaway

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