Judy Novotny

Judy is a computer veteran with 30 years of experience. She has owned everything from a TRS-80, Apple IIe and various Windows-based PCs. She is currently living in her Apple ecosystem at home consisting of an iPhone, iPad, iMac, MacBook, Apple TV, iPod nano and two Time Capsules. She is a fan of all things mobile since she got her first Palm Pilot in 1999. Check out her iPad app, Number Wizard, in the App Store. Follow her on Twitter @junovotech or at Junovo.com.

Geek Fact for March 20th

In 1891, Dayton Scale Company, the first computing scale company, was incorporated in Dayton, Ohio. It was part of the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company and became an IBM division in 1933. The Dayton Scale Division was eventually sold to the Hobart Manufacturing Company. Learn more at http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/attic2/attic2_057.html

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