Australiana: I’ve Been Everywhere

You’ve probably heard, or are at least familiar with, one rendition or another of the song ‘I’ve Been Everywhere’. Well, here is the original version which was a mega hit in Australia for a then young man called Lucky Starr.

The song was written in 1959, originally recorded by Lucky Starr in 1962 and subsequently covered by a number of artists, including Hank Snow later that same year and, decades later again, by Johnny Cash (1996). It might not be quite as melodic as the US versions but it sure is frantic!!

In case your ears are too slow (mine certainly are), and you’d like to know the actual names of the Australian towns included… here is a link: Wikipedia – I’ve Been Everywhere.

1 thought on “Australiana: I’ve Been Everywhere”

  1. Jiim,

    Thanks for another good one. I always liked the Hank Snow version, but I live in Nevada (USA). I didn’t know it originated in Oz.


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