Access 250+ free online games all from the one page

There are heaps of games available to access and play online – some good, some not so good. Hunting them down individually can prove tiresome, now has assembled more than 250 free online games all easily accessible from within just one page:

Hover the mouse cursor over the game icons to reveal the names, when ready just click on an icon to play. Each game page also includes an easy route back to the main index page (look for the green back arrow).

I tried out 5 games, each came with clear instructions and included excellent graphics. The collection appears to mainly consist of pretty simple games, nothing too taxing on the gray matter. Even though they are not exactly my cup of tea, I can see hours of fun here for many people, especially younger ones. I’ve bookmarked the page for when the grandchildren visit, should keep them out of mischief for a few hours. 🙂

Pop on over to and check it out.

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