A Clear Choice for your To Do App

I tend to be a list-making person so I am always on the look out for a good To Do app.  I have used Appigo’s ToDo for several years now and am a big fan.  But, sometimes, I just want to make a quick list without all of the bells and whistles that ToDo has.  I found the perfect app for such an occasion – Realmac Software’s Clear.   Clear lets you quickly and easily create and manage your to do lists.

There are three levels in Clear – Top menu, list menu, list items




The  top menu has several items:

My Lists – shows how many lists you have.

Themes – You can select a theme which refers to primarily the background.  Since I have Tweetbot and Temple Run on my device, I received a bonus theme for each application.  I like Heat Map.  It changes your background from a fiery red on top to an almost soothing yellow on the bottom.  There’s just something right about the things at the top of my list being fiery red.

Tips & Tricks – This provides a nice list of ‘how to’ information.  Most of it is covered in a little tutorial when you first set up the app but it’s nice to have a little reminder.  Other items are bonus tidbits not initially covered, such as how to create multiple items or how to make an entire list as complete.  Instructions are even provided on how to erase the Tips & Tricks list once you are comfortable with the app.

Follow the Team – Twitter account names for Clear and its team members.  By following one or more of the accounts, you receive a ‘Scorched’ bonus theme for your social savviness.  The Scorched theme is similar to Heat Map with muted colors.

Settings – Settings allows you to choose to activate several app features.





The Settings options are:

iCloud sync – You can choose to sync your list with your other iOS devices via iCloud.

App Icon Badge – If you choose to activate the icon badge, you are then given the option to only show the count for active items in the badge.

Status Bar – You can choose to hide or show the Status Bar.

Sound Effects – Enable/disable sound effects.

Vibration – Enable/disable vibrations.












When you first open the app, there is a To Do list already created that lets you practice the various gestures used to create and maintain lists and items.  The actions pertain to both the items lists as well as the ‘My Lists’  list.

Create item or list at the top – Pull down.

Create item or list between two other items or lists – Pinch the two items or lists apart vertically.

Mark item as completed – Swipe right.  If you do this for a list, you will be prompted to make sure that you want to make the entire list as completed.

Delete item or list –  Swipe left.  If you do this for a list, you will be prompted to make sure that you want to delete the entire list.

Completed item really not completed (oops!) – Swipe right to add it back as an active item.

Moving an item or list – Tap and hold the item and then move it.

Undo – Shake.

Go up one level – pinch together vertically.




Clear is available in the App Store for $1.99.  It is compatible with iPhone 3GS or later, iPod 3rd generation or later and iPad.  Requiring iOS 6 or later, the app has been optimized for iPhone 5.  I was using it on my iPhone 4 and iPad (3rd generation) and it looked fine to me.

Disclosure:  I did not receive a promo code for this app.  I spent my own hard-earned $1.99. I stumbled across this app as a result of reading an article in The Daily. It seems that Clear has moved to the Mac world now, too.

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