
20% Of Windows Users Might Switch To Mac!

Oh the horror!

Windows to Mac

According to a June 2017 article written by Connie Hwong at Verto Analytics, around 20% of poll respondents in the $150,000 income bracket may consider switching from Windows to Mac within six months to two years. This short and rather imprecise article then goes on to say that 14% of a lower income group – $20,000 or less – report a probability of switching from Windows to Mac in that time-frame, albeit with parental input. This then spawned a handful of dramatic and misleading headlines proclaiming a mass exodus of lemming-like Windows users trampling all over themselves to get to the Apple camp.

Here are a few examples…

  • Nearly 25 Percent of Windows Users Will Switch to Mac Within 6 Months – Extreme Tech.
  • 21% of Windows users plan to switch to Mac, says survey – against 2% Mac to Windows – 9to5Mac
  • Nearly One in Four Windows Users Surveyed Plan to Switch to Mac Within Next Six Months – MacRumors
  • A Surprising Number of Windows Users Plan to Switch to Mac – The Motley Fool

In a typically cherry-picking journalistic  manner, tech editors have seized upon the poll, decided that clicks mean bucks and placed their own spin on an article that in reality says practically nothing newsworthy at all. The Motley Fool even goes on to state that 25% of Windows desktop owners intend to switch to a Mac within the next six months, with little regard for the scant information provided in the original Verto article whatsoever. But then, a dull headline never sold a copy, did it?

Of course, it could be due to the fact that I don’t write for The National Enquirer, The Sun or The Daily Mail that my ability to write creative fiction is a little rusty and somewhat lacking. But even I can see that certain facts in the headline articles mentioned above not only stretch the truth to conveniently suit their readership base, but pluck non-existent information from the Verto poll itself and convert it into bite-sized facts. For example Verto says, “(Weasked them if they planned to buy an Apple as their next computer (either laptop or desktop) in the next 6-24 months”, has resulted in the following proclamation in the Extreme Tech article, “…with 21 percent of laptop owners and 25 percent of desktop owners supposedly willing to make the jump…”.

Imaginative indeed.

It’s interesting to note that the twelve-line article/poll/survey from Verto begins, “The latest reviews of Microsoft’s new laptops hint that Apple’s cachet (and price points) may be wearing thin among consumers.” Hardly a precursor for a mass exodus from the good ship Windows, with Connie Hwong then going on to illustrate that those very same consumers, jaded by the Apple cachet are in fact flocking to Cupertino in droves.

What also grabbed my attention was the lack of methodology in the so-called Verto Smart Poll. There is no explanation of the sampling, i.e., how many consumers were polled/surveyed, yet apparently Verto was kind enough to inform Mac Rumors that the survey was based on 6,000 current Windows PC owners age 18 and older in the United States, but didn’t think to inform readers of that metric in its original article. Or is Mac Rumors in cahoots with Verto?

It’s all a tad confusing, or is it?

The above chart from Survey Monkey isn’t surprising in the least, especially when Verto concludes that 98% of Mac users intend to stay with Apple, or to paint it even more dramatically, only 2% of Mac users would consider making the leap to the dark side. Again, hardly a huge surprise when you consider that Windows will be and has always been the favourite flogging horse for so many computer users. But of course the tenet of this article is Mac vs PC and not necessarily Apple vs Microsoft, so when you buy an Apple product you’re buying into one single hardware and software company with barely a millimetre of customisation possibilities. On the other hand, when you buy a generic PC the journey of flexibility and customisation is only just beginning, like it or loathe it.

Again, the above chart isn’t very surprising, although anecdotal reports of actual customer service dealings with Apple would tell an entirely different story, as I have learned from reading numerous posts when tearing my hair out whilst trying to install Mac OS X on a Mac.

But I digress; this is all about context and the question of whether Windows users may consider switching to a Mac and the reasons for doing so could be numerous. I would suggest that Apple today is much more than simply a computer solution; it’s become a victim of its own success and when you buy into its hermetically sealed ecosystem, you’re acquiring a designer label and then some more.

You don’t own an Apple device. They’re like cats; they own you.

I’ve said it before in numerous articles here at DCT; Apple devices are beautiful creations, crafted sublimely to some incredible engineering tolerances and to quote John Keats, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” But that beauty comes at a price, not just locked-down aesthetics or financial constraints, but also practical upgradability which, let’s face it, with an Apple device is practically non-existent. These devices are designed to simply work out of the box.

Perhaps that’s why many consumers may consider moving from Windows to Mac and then, given the six months to two years window to consider their options, face the stark reality of cost and the awful realisation of acquiring a very expensive, designer-label straight jacket.

From a personal point of view, I wouldn’t even consider moving from Windows to Mac, either now or in ten years time. This is because I’m averse to buying a sealed box that can’t be customised, so perhaps the title of this article represents a more accurate picture of the Verto poll which, after all was only ever designed to grab the attention of the Apple fanboys in the first place.

31 thoughts on “20% Of Windows Users Might Switch To Mac!”

  1. Hi Marc. If Windows software could run perfectly on the Mac, then maybe I might consider switching. Otherwise, having to get used to a new operating system, unless I could tweak it the way I do with Windows, moving is not for me. Call me a creature of who does not enjoy change. And then we must consider the overall cost, Mindblower!

    1. The OS is suppose to be very user-friendly. But it all depends on your advanced tweaks that you couldn’t live without. If you just want to use it for regular use, it should be straight-forward, even with Linux.

  2. Can’t see me ever switching to a Mac. I have played with a friend of mine’s Mac, wasn’t really impressed.

  3. Every time I use a Mac I feel like it’s clunky & restrictive. The file manager is awful & having to use the top title bar to control the active window is unintuitive. I get sick of having to (seems like) input my username/passwords constantly- either because it sleeps or because “something” needs to call big-bro-itunes or some such….it’s aggravating! I won’t bother going on about the insane pricing. And odd port decisions.

    Windows is also aggravating in it’s own way, but at least you get good hardware for the money, upgrade avenues, and a plethora of programs out there from MS & 3rd party. Not as restrictive (but starting to move there with it’s “telemetry” & other issues surrounding getting people to upgrade then later telling them they cannot upgrade any further w/o dumping their current hardware. Oh, and one day their stuff just won’t work- but nothing built-in to tell you what bit of hardware is the issue. Gee, thanks.

    I ended up with Linux out of frustration with the above two. I’ve found that Linux Mint does everything I need & with far less trouble. I was just saying to my son that it’s so cool to be able to type a bit of text to do something super-fast & eliminate the usually heavy & sluggish GUI’s. I might sound like a nerdy-girl, but I’m not really. I just Google what I need & it’s easily implemented.

    My vote is Linux Mint, FTW, & imho.


    1. Thanks for letting us know of your experiences Tracy.
      I too have tried Linux Mint and enjoyed the experience up to a point, but gaming is the PC priority for me, so Windows wins hands down on that count.
      As for Mac, as you so correctly point out, restrictive is the key word here.

      1. Well, gaming’s a specific need/niche only MS can fill because– well, I guess because Apple didn’t care to focus on gaming & Linux has been shut-out by MS’s influence over game developers from the start.

        For anything else, Mint wins it easily, imho. If I were a big gamer, I’d honestly keep two PC’s. I did this in the past when the kids were younger (they now have their own). One for games-only & one for everything else. It was a good plan that worked well.


      2. Speaking of restrictive: what are your views on the newest CPU’s being “restricted” to only allowing Win 10 to install? I mean, 7/8/8.1 aren’t end of life? Seems very harsh to me that both Intel & AMD fall & do MS’s bidding? Or am I missing something?

        1. Thanks for this tidbit update Tracy, but I don’t see it your way. Hardware producers want to made sure their product works with the current latest and next generation o/s.

          As a 8.1 user and supporter, I know that I must refrain from the latest (because it might not support some of the software I use and enjoy).

          Dislike saying this, but progress marches on and often over those who stand in the way (myself included), Mindblower!

        2. I don’t agree with that restriction at all Tracy. It’s Draconian and yes, we’re back that word restrictive again. Very Apple, actually.
          Of course this only applies to next gen processors.
          According to Shad Larsen, Microsoft’s director of Windows business planning, ‘Future silicon platforms including Intel’s upcoming 7th Gen Intel Core (Kaby Lake) processor family and AMD’s 7th generation processors (e.g. Bristol Ridge) will only be supported on Windows 10, and all future silicon releases will require the latest release of Windows 10.’
          That’s a year old already, but apparently they’ll boot Linux, the BSDs, Chrome OS, home-brew kernels, OS X, whatever software supports them, according to reliable sources.
          I smell monopoly in there somewhere.

        3. “…will only be supported on Windows 10, and all future silicon releases will require the latest release of Windows 10”

          Exactly– those who were enticed to Win 10 & who don’t have the newest/bestest (can’t afford it) have been completely kicked to the kerb because their hardware (which WAS acceptable & PUSHED by MS to upgrade to 10) suddenly isn’t supported? This is the first time that a MS OS has done this within a single OS release & it’s BS, imho. Right in line with their “sneak” upgrades of PC’s whose owners continuously said, “no” the the upgrade of Win 10, only to wake up the next day with it in place. I know– I was called to reverse it– a LOT. I think MS & the CPU makers ought to foot the bill for the recycling of all of the viable hardware that they are responsible for forcing to the landfills.

  4. Norbert (Bob) Gostischa

    All this proves is that “If you ain’t rich, life’s a bitch”
    Apparently, there’s a class distinction between the “IBM” and “Mac ” classes.
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. While i am inclined to agree with the observation that a mac is , for all intents and purposes a locked in box if we look at the development trends of hardware in general, this will ultimately be the case for all devices regardless of operating system. as for windows customization, some of thees features are dependent on 1) the edition of windows you have and 2) your willingness to share your data with Microsoft.

  6. @Tracy

    You’re getting it back to front Tracy. Nobody will be forced to upgrade their hardware in order to run Windows 10. Older CPUs will still support Windows 10 (plus older Windows operating systems), but the new processors will support Windows 10 only and not support older Windows operating systems.

    So, with older CPUs you can run Windows 7/8/8.1/10 but with the new generation CPUs you’ll only be able to run Windows 10.

    1. I agree Jim. Taking the W10 free upgrade was a pure economical decision for me, but MS or anybody else twisted my arm in the process. Again dual booting W10 with W7 or any other OS is my decision, and it is also my decision not to run a Mac. If I ever build another machine it will have a processor installed that I can work with.
      The point is, users need to quit putting the blame on factors that can be controlled by their decisions.

  7. People with older hardware, who were pushed to Win 10, will not be able to continue to receive the Win 10 upgrades (such as Creator’s) due to the hardware. Those users will be unable to enjoy new features moving forward– within the Win 10 OS. That was never clarified ahead of the push.

    They’ll only get, “security updates”.

    1. Tracy, “People with older hardware, who were pushed to Win 10”, really? I was given a free upgrade to 10 (nobody twisted my arm) and after a short time reverted back to 8.1, because 10 was giving me problems. I love using 8.1 and have the look and feel or XP (can you remember that far back?).

      And when XP came out, many users were forced to upgrade their computers. But are we not always wanting to get the newest and latest? Personally I only upgrade parts when they break down. It’s the gaming community which want/need the fastest.

      I’d easily purchase a used computer (which could run 8.1) if I was forced use 10.x, but that’s me, Mindblower!

      1. People who did NOT want Win 10 got it pushed to them. Many woke up with no display, no sound, or no wi-fi & with an OS they did NOT want. They then had to hire someone to fix it.

        Upgrading hardware, BEFOREHAND, in order to install & run XP is entirely different to being told to upgrade to Win 10 because “it’s so wonderful”, installing it (or having it foisted w/o permission), & THEN being told “no more upgrades for you– you get security updates, that’s it. People are told to upgrade hardware AFTER installation– get it?

        The people who DID want Win 10 are being told that during the lifespan of the OS, they will slowly lose access to the very upgrades that were lauded & promoted as the reason to upgrade in the first place. And as each upgrade comes out, only then will you get a message saying that, “your rig ain’t good enough” – but not even a hint at what might need upgrading in order to partake. I find that very underhanded.

        1. OK Tracy, that still does not change the fact that within a few more years that W10 or whatever it becomes, will be the only options for users if they continue to run Windows. Myself included!!
          Never said I liked W10 but I do run and tolerate all the forced updates.
          I will never switch to a Mac and Linux is OK up to a point, and I have tried more than one Linux Distro.

    2. Tracy
      Really!!! If the users of the affected PC’s might have a system image stored away then they can easily revert back.
      This I do believe. MS wants Windows, or you might say W10, to become a closed platform, just like Apple has done to the Mac.

      1. Believe it or not, quite a lot of the systems I was called to help with didn’t have an image. A whole lot of people have no idea what that even is. Microsoft admitted that unwanted upgrades were happening, but didn’t step up to help the affected to get things back as they were.

        In most systems, after upgrading, system restore is also turned OFF.

        Not good at all.

    3. I barely got the Creator’s Update a week ago.
      Despite everyone’s reasons, I was happy with upgrading to 10. Sure there were some hiccups, but they are fixed(at least the ones I found hiccups on).
      My laptop’s hardware handles the OS better than Windows 8.1, it really is quick and responsive. Windows 8 and 8.1 felt too heavy.

      All-in-all, I like to embrace the latest offered, new stuff can be inviting, too.

        1. I barely got the Spring Update on my laptop.
          I don’t know what big update I got on my desktop, but my desktop got the Spring Update when it was announced, so it must be the Fall Creator Update?

        2. Both are 1703 15063.632
          Odd, I got the update before on the desktop, since it came with the XBOX game feature that was specified, but I still went through an update just like the Creator’s Update last week, on both computers.
          Either way, my laptop finally got it.
          I guess there were a few changes and reinstalled the entire Update.
          All in all, I am not anticipated for the those big updates. (I hate waiting to use the computer while they install)

        3. Looks like you got hit by the KB4040724 (935MB) update which will install that version and build. My PC is still at 1703/15063.540. The big updates are not very laptop friendly.

  8. To Tracy. Rest assured I’m not picking on you. You’ll link dates back to 2016. You made it sound like it happened yesterday, not over one year ago. Yes I remember that time. Guess many were unaware of a simple utility “never10.exe”.

    For you and all others who complain about the software update due to hardware limitations, check out this link,

    detailing when support will end, plus information on required hardware etc, Mindblower!

    1. Well, when you’re dealing with pensioners, on a daily basis, who have very limited funds– it means more, it seems.

      It’s also apparent that far too many people believe that everyone else knows what THEY know about tech– & simply victim-blame, rather than be outraged at the perpetrator. One of the two is far easier. Hence no lawsuit, to even reclaim the funds paid out by low-income folks to put things right, after systems were wrecked due to Microsoft.

      “Never said I liked W10 but I do run and tolerate all the forced updates.”

      Never saw such a perfect example of frog-in-the-pot, as this. “Tolerate”?

      My only suggestion is to have a separate PC to game with on which your other sensitive data won’t be spied upon. On the other, run a Linux distro of choice.

      Don’t shoot the messenger.


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