
Windows 10 Quick Tips – Default Fonts

One of the many personalization options available in Windows 10, and previous versions, is to be able to change the fonts that are typically used. If you have changed the fonts that Windows uses, either because you wanted a change of scenery or were simply playing around with them, you might not remember how to get things back to the original, out of the box settings. This post will show you how to do just that.

What Is A Font?

In modern usage, with the advent of digital typography, “font” is frequently synonymous with “typeface”. Each style is in a separate “font file”—for instance, the typeface “Bulmer” may include the fonts “Bulmer roman“, “Bulmer”, “Bulmer bold” and “Bulmer extended”—but the term “font” might be applied either to one of these alone or to the whole typeface.

In both traditional typesetting and modern usage, the word “font” refers to the delivery mechanism of the typeface design. In traditional typesetting, the font would be made from metal or wood. Today, the font is a digital file. ~Wikipedia

Getting To The Setting

Note: Click any of the following images to enlarge for easier reading.

Tap the Windows key and type control panel; choose Control Panel at the top of the list.

That should bring you here:


In the upper right, set the View by option to either Small or Large icons. Once you have done that, choose Fonts to bring you here:


Click Font settings to bring you here:


Click the button labeled Restore default font settings. You can now close this window.

Note: The link labeled Help me choose font settings will bring you to a Microsoft Help & Learning website that you might or might not find useful. Contrary to what you probably expect, it does not bring you to a site dedicated to font settings. Way to go, Microsoft…

Bonus Tip

To learn how to put a Control Panel shortcut on your Desktop, Taskbar, and/or Start menu, please read How To Regain Control Of Control Panel System.

As always, if you have any helpful suggestions, comments or questions, please share them with us,


6 thoughts on “Windows 10 Quick Tips – Default Fonts”

  1. Is there any way to get rid of all of those infernal foreign language fonts that take up room that I will never use?

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi Steve,

      1. Go to the Settings app and Choose Time & Language
      2. You should see the languages that are already installed on the left
      3. Click the one you want to remove

      There is another way– hide the fonts based on language settings:

      1. Open Control Panel
      2. Choose Fonts
      3. In the window that opens, check the box labeled Hide fonts based on language settings

      Hope this helps,

  2. Thanks, but that was a no go. The only language listed was English. I want to get rid of the fonts I never use such as Yu Gothic, Yu Gothic UI, Sim Sung, Ming, etc.

      1. I don’t seem to see that as an option:

        Font Settings

        Get more font information online

        Adjust ClearType Text

        Find a character

        Download fonts for all languages.

        1. Richard Pedersen

          Hi Steve,

          1. Open the Start menu
          2. Type control panel
          3. Open Control Panel
          4. Click Fonts


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