Want to see your name up in lights?

We want you!

Have you ever considered writing? Do you love computers, tech, gadgets, gizmos, electronics? Do your friends refer to you as a geek?

I would love to add more content and differing viewpoints to DCT in hopes of reaching a broader audience. To do so I need people who are looking to find an outlet for their knowledge and are willing to share their experience.


The ability to write complete articles in an easy to understand manner.
Knowledge about your field of interest.
Understanding of the English language.
Ability to devote time to posting on DCT.

How do you get involved?

Use our contact form and send me an email. Tell me a little about yourself, your experience, what your field of interest is. I’ll have a look and contact you. If I feel you’re a good fit for DCT I’ll ask for a sample article and we’ll go from there!

What do you get from being a part of DCT?

A warm and fuzzy feeling from sharing your knowledge with the world.
A picture and bio on every post.
Your very own DCT email address (who wouldn’t want one of those?).
You will become part of the DCT crew, which is the best group of knowledgeable and friendly people I know and have had the pleasure of working with!
Possible moderator status on the forum.
I’ll buy you a latte or cup of coffee from the vendor of your choice!
Other considerations can be discussed.

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