
Top 5 DCT Articles In 2019

2019 has been pretty good to Dave’s Computer Tips (DCT). Thanks to you, our supportive readers and to our prolific writers, we managed to see more than a million page views this year. Of course, some articles were more popular than others and this short post will let you in on the most-read ones in 2019.

Number 5 –  How To Set Up, Change Your Amazon Video PIN

In fifth place and seeing 20,855 views, is Jason Shuffield’s very popular article. Congratulations, Jason!

Jason Shuffield

Jason Shuffield began working with computers at an early age. As he gained experience he began helping others who had difficulties with technology and requested assistance. Over time it became obvious there was a local need for a technology expert with great people skills. As a result, Jason started his computer repair company, CYIN, in 2011. With years of experience in web design, computer repair, tech support, computer training, and social media management Jason loves to share his knowledge and educate people.

Number 4 –  3 Ways To Turn Off Your PS4

Greedy Jason takes yet another spot in our top 5 articles in 2019. This one saw 21,436 views this year. Well done, Jason!

Number 3 –  How To Change Facebook Language Back To English

Terry Hollett grabbed third place with this very informative article in 2016 garnering 23,403 views. Way to go, Terry!

Terry Hollett

Terry is a self-taught computer aficionado, who after being exposed to Windows 3.1 in the early 1990’s devoured every book and magazine on the subject he could get his hands on. A published author with over 20 years’ experience building and servicing computers for friends and family he started his first website in 2002 at Hit Any Key.

Number 2 – Convert hardcopy document into editable digital document

Our beloved and much-missed Jim Hillier took second place with this 2013 article. It got 24,500 views this year and goes to show that even older articles still maintain their relevance over the years.

Jim Hillier

Jim is the resident freeware aficionado at DCT. A computer veteran with 30+ years experience who first started writing about computers and tech back in the days when freeware was actually free. His first computer was a TRS-80 in the 1980s, he progressed through the Commodore series of computers before moving to PCs in the 1990s. Now retired (aka an old geezer), Jim retains his passion for all things tech and still enjoys building and repairing computers for a select clientele… as well as writing for DCT, of course.

Note:  The above Bio was written several years ago and sadly, Jim is no longer writing for us, presumably to take advantage of a much-deserved retirement. I, for one, wish he’d come out of retirement.  😉

Number 1 –  How To: Rename Files/Folders In Sequential Number Order

Taking the top spot with 38,937 views and written back in 2013 by Alan Wade, this article still sees a lot of activity– the most all year, in fact.

Alan Wade

Alan is a semi-retired geek from England, who has lived in Sweden with his wife and family since 2001. His interest in computers began in the mid-1980s with the introduction of the Commodore Vic 20 where he learned to hack game code so he could force his name to appear as the high scorer. Alan made his way through the horde of console computers in the late ’80s and early 90s before settling on Windows with the release of Windows 3.1. He has worked in the broadband industry on both the technical and installation side. In his off time, he enjoys building computers for family and friends as well as digging into the guts of the OS to customize and tweak the OS.

Unfortunately for us, we haven’t heard from Alan in quite some time.

Well, that’s it. I hope you enjoyed this little bit of insight into the effect that DCT has on the Tech community.

Note: All the statistics for this article were gleaned from Google Page Analytics.

We at DCT wish you and yours all the best of times during this holiday season,


3 thoughts on “Top 5 DCT Articles In 2019”

  1. Wow!! Statistics can be so funny. Three of those five articles have absolutely no relevance for me. I can relate to Numbers 1 and 2, but don’t think I actually read them during 2019.

    I often tell my friends and family that in the world of tech, everybody’s passion, addiction, or usage pattern is different.

  2. I’m new to this site I joined because it sounded very informative & helpful, but I cannot find anywhere to post a problem concerning a 3Tb external USB HDD that suddenly went RAW, and how to recover the data.
    I’ve tried searching for Repair/recover RAW HDD, but nothing shows! So what is the protocol for posting? And has anyone got an solution to my problem using their own experience, without me spending much of my meagre pension? Thankyou for reading this…….can you help please?

    1. Richard Pedersen


      There is no original posting on the blog– only comments such as yours on this article.
      However, you can always post a question on our Forum. That’s what it’s there for.
      You will find the link at the top of any page on this site.

      Thank you for joining and we hope we can help you with your questions,

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