
Recover Corrupted Hard Drive Using MiniTool

I was going to do some backups when one of my backup drives failed. Windows Explorer showed the drive letter but when I tried to access it, Windows claimed it was too corrupted. Couldn’t even run a check disk on it. Tried it on another computer with the same results. I was thinking of scrapping this drive but I decided to try one more thing.

I have MiniTool Partition Wizard 12 installed and I know it has some hard drive utilities built in so I decided to give it a shot.

Download MiniTool Partition Wizard

With my drive plugged in with a USB adapter, I opened the program.

So the first positive thing that I noticed is that the program detected and displayed the drive in question. In my example, Disk 4 (F:).

I right-clicked on the drive and found the option to Check File System.

A window opened and in the options section, I selected to Check & fix detected errors.

Then I clicked on Start. It scanned the drive and found some errors and was successful in repairing them.

I have my drive back. To be sure the drive isn’t damaged. I right-clicked again on the F: drive and this time chose the option to do a Surface Test.

Over three and one-half hours and the test came out clean. No problems detected. Well, if it comes down to it, I usually make multiple backups, so I’m covered there.

As usual, your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

Further reading:

5 thoughts on “Recover Corrupted Hard Drive Using MiniTool”

  1. Hi:
    Thanks to Dave and to you. I will try the MiniTool Partition Wizard on your recommendation. I have not yet had a drive failure, but it can happen any time without warning, so having some tool to fix it is a good idea.

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