Portable Freeware: Ss-Tools & SterJo Software

flash driveI’m constantly on the lookout for new, interesting or innovative freeware, but anything labeled portable is always bound to pique my interest, regardless. Not all software can be portable of course, many programs need to be integrated into the system in order for them to work properly. However, there are many types of software which lend themselves perfectly to portability, especially those tools and utilities associated with cleanup, maintenance, password recovery, etc.

Undoubtedly the greatest collection of portable tools and utilities comes from the prolific NirSoft stable, I’ve recommended Nir Sofer’s brilliant offerings many times. Every NirSoft product is 100% clean, simple to use and … well, just works. If you haven’t already checked out the huge range of portable freeware from NirSoft, you can do so here: http://www.nirsoft.net/

Ss-Tools Portable Freeware

Another collection of portable tools I have recommended in the past comes from the lesser known developer Ss-Tools. I have tried, tested or used all Ss-Tools offerings at one time or another and, although there are only 5 in total, they are also 100% safe and meet the criteria of simplicity and effectivity. Visit Ss-Tools and download here: http://www.ss-tools.com/

ss-tools 1

Click on Download Portable in the left hand panel (under ‘Our Programs’) to access the portable versions:

ss-tools 2

SterJo Software Portable Freeware

SterJo is another lesser known developer which also offers a small range of useful tools available in both installable and portable versions. SterJo is one that I have not previously checked out or recommended. Co-incidentally, the SterJo collection also includes just 5 titles:

SterJo Key FinderIs a small and free application that can recover lost product keys. All you have to do is run the program and it will find the keys for you in a few seconds (you can check out a full list of supported software and games here: http://www.sterjosoft.com/list/).

sterjo keyfinder

SterJo Wireless PasswordsAll you have to do is run SterJo Wireless Passwords and allow it to scan your wireless network. The software will display all saved passwords which can be used to connect your other wireless devices without a fear of forgetting them in the future.

SterJo NetStalker – This innovative and free security software is able to detect all authorized and unauthorized connections to your computer and send you alerts for each new connection. The software is based on similar principles as most firewalls work and also could create a custom security policies with the advantage to run it totally portable.

sterjo netstalker

SterJo Task Manager Is an advanced utility for process managing which allows you to get details on everything that’s running on your computer. The program is divided into several sections covering the main parts of each system.

sterjo task manager

SterJo Startup PatrolAllows you to view and disable startup items. This way you can optimize the Windows startup time. The software constantly tracks the new or modified startup registry and notifies if any changes appear. If an application tries to put a startup registry on your system then the software will identify the application and display a warning

sterjo startup patrol

  • For more information plus downloads, visit SterJo Software’s HOME PAGE.

All these portable tools/utilities from SterJo Software scan 100% clean through Virus Total, plus locally through Avast and Malwarebytes. I haven’t played with them long enough yet to make any firm recommendations but first impressions are extremely favorable. SterJo’s collection might be a small one but it certainly includes a range of very useful software. Plus all are portable too… portable is good, right?

Know of any safe and useful portable [developer] collections yourself? Let us know through the comments.

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