Picasa: New version (3.9) now available

A new version of this very good photo manager/editor freeware from Google has just been released introducing some brand new features:

Share to your Google+ circles – If you’ve joined Google+, you can use Picasa 3.9 to share directly to the circles you’ve created in Google+. They’ll see your photos and videos in their Google+ stream. People that don’t use Google+ aren’t left out. They’ll get an email to view your album in Google+, and they don’t have to join to do so.

Picasa name tags on Google+ – If you’ve joined Google+, you may have noticed that name tags have become more social. With the release of Picasa 3.9, you can now upload and share your name tags on Google+. Note that if you choose not to join Google+, name tags won’t change at all.

New photo editing effects – We’ve added a plethora of new editing effects like Vignette, Duo-tone, Borders and more.

Side by side editing – Compare two different photos side by side. Or compare the original and edited versions versions of the same photo simultaneously as you apply edits in Picasa.

  • Full release notes for Picasa 3.9 available HERE
  • Guides on how to utilize the new features HERE
  • Picasa HOME PAGE

4 thoughts on “Picasa: New version (3.9) now available”

  1. Whenever you “experts” show favor to Picasa, please also tell the main reasons why a large body of users do NOT like Picasa, and detest what it does to our collection of images. You might be doing a favor to lots of people who visit this site by talking about ACDC, XnView, The GIMP, Paintshop Photo Pro, IcoFX, Fresh View, Blender, Irfanview, PaintNet, FastStone MaxView, Faststone Image View, Fast Picture View, Axi Al;is, Photoshop CS3 on up, FastStone, and PaintNet.

    I know a lot of people who have a digital camera and have had their computerized images taken over by Picasa… It is the taking over, without real permission, that most amateur photographers is know just hate…

    Many would benefit by knowing about the other software programs… I know my clients did.

    1. Who is (or has) shown favor to Picasa? We have merely reported that a new version is available. That is part of what we do here at DCT – if a new major version of a popular freeware title is released we simply advise our readers of same. And whether you like it or not, Picasa is popular.

      This is the very first time we have even mentioned Picasa at DCT – personally I prefer and use Faststone, as regular readers would be aware:

      I happen to know that Dave favors XnView and uses Adobe Lightroom for image processing and management. However, we refuse to be like some people and allow personal preferences to narrow our view – it is part of our responsibility to report these matters without prejudice or favor. Now, I suggest you get back into that bed and this time try to get out of the right side.

      Oh, and thank you for at least recognizing that we are indeed experts.
      Cheers… Jim

  2. Jim,

    I have considered Picasa a time or two in the past, but I have used IrfanView for at least 10 yrs. and it does what I need for the most part. If I need something more powerful, I then use Core PhotoPaint.

    Thanks for your reviews.


    1. Hi Ray – I’ve never used Picasa myself mate, always stuck with Faststone.

      This brief article was never meant as any kind of review, merely a notice to existing Picasa users that a new version is now available.

      Cheers mate… Jim

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