
Passing Of Richard “Dick” Evans


The family of Dick Evans announces with great sorrow his passing on August 7, 2021.

He died from COVID-19 and complications from pneumonia.



Richard Warren Evans
May 17, 1943 – August 7, 2021
Richard Warren Evans, age 78, of Port Charlotte, Florida passed away on Saturday, August 7, 2021. Richard was born on May 17, 1943. ~ Source

Dick was a wonderful person and a pleasure to work with.

He will be sorely missed,


15 thoughts on “Passing Of Richard “Dick” Evans”

  1. I was shocked to hear of Dick’s death. He had decades of experience which he shared with everyone, here on DCT.
    My sincere condolences to his family.

  2. Thank you Richard,
    Very sad news indeed.
    Condoleces to Richard’s family.
    From me, he will be missed on DCT.


  3. Hopefully he has access to a very fast PC wherever he is now and he has enabled “God Mode”. Taken way too early.
    RIP Richard.

  4. With the deepest condolences to Richard’s family and friends.

    In the words of the poet:

    Loss, and Possession, Death and Life are one.
    There falls no shadow where there shines no sun.

    — Hilaire Belloc
    (From “On a Sundial” in
    “Sonnets and Verse,” 1938)

  5. Shobha Mathur

    Sorry to hear , Deep condolences to his and DCT family too. I was helped many times by his articles. RIP.

  6. I sure liked his articles. He’ll be missed for sure. It seems his last article was titled “How To Turn Off The Sleep Button”, on July 21st. His bio reads, “About The Author…Dick Evans has been in the tech industry for more than fifty years. Beginning his career in the ’60s on IBM mainframes, he has been a Programmer, a Data Processing Manager (now called Information Systems Manager), a Consultant, an Assistant Professor, and a Writer. He has been published in a number of computer publications and has spoken at conferences here in the US and abroad. He is currently retired from the faculty at Rhode Island College and consulting/writing part-time, holding teaching seminars, and maintaining a number of Web sites. He maintains a blog with technical “stuff” and has a Web site at”

  7. Heidemarie Rowe

    What a loss for family and friends who are left behind, yet we know that there will be a day, when we will be reunited, praising our Lord together.
    Even with all of his ministries and assignments, his service for the Lord, Dick was always ready and willing to help anyone who was in need of help. He was blessed with many talents which he used generously. We will miss you!

  8. Dr. Bernard K Narh

    Ohhhhhh. My Lord!!!
    Pastor Dick is gone? Richard Evans is no more here with us?

    IF there is anything called surprise and shock, I believe that’s it – I am beyond “shocked” right now.

    I (probably) like most acquaintances, just read about this sad news of my friends his sudden demise caused by Covid.

    I’m so sad and I know my children whom he loves so much would be equally overwhelmed to hear about the demise of my true friend.

    Pastor Dick (whilst in this earthly life) was “closer than a Brother”!

    Pastor Dick passed on as a result of COVID-19? I read he had lung complications, and succumbed to the same eventually.

    So SORRY my friend – Pastor Dick that you departed so early and prematurely too!

    Your Brand New Toshiba laptop gift offer to me, designing an absolutely free Website for me, CD Gifts, Your Book (publication) coupled with your Goodwill towards my children (especially Faith-Awissy-Dede) you bought for me for my pastoral and internet Ministries – as well as your continued support for other Ministers of other Nationalités (especially Africa) as well as from around the globe are worth gracing you for Jesus’ promise reward if “Many Crowns”.

    Only Jesus Christ, our Lord and God can reward you accordingly without measure.

    Again, Thank you so much for your gifts of Love: goodwill, generous spirit and the broader Kingdom Investments, of which I am one of the most graceful beneficiaries.

    So Sorry your Home Going was so sudden and not brought to my knowledge early enough.

    Your exceedingly sweet and affable spirit towards “all” (mankind) no doubt distinctly and tangibly identities you as being so real, Brother!

    God’s Great PEACE and Everlasting GLORY rest on you up there in heaven and your entire family here in the Earth forever. Amen?!!

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