Outlook Calendar Shortcuts

More Outlook Shortcuts

As I always say, you can never have too many shortcuts. I just love saving time and keystrokes!

These are handy shortcuts one can use in Outlook Calendar. Follow the steps below to learn how:

CTRL + N  Creates an appointment in Calendar view and CTRL + Shift + A when in any Outlook view

CTRL + Shift + Q  Creates  a meeting request

CTRL + G  Takes you to a date

Alt + Equal or CTRLAlt + Switches to Month view

Alt + Minus Sign or CTRL + Alt + 3 Switches to Full Week view

CTRL + Alt + 2 Switches to Work Week view

CTRL + Comma or CTRL + Shift + Comma Takes yo to a previous appointment

CTRL + Period or CTRL + Shift + Period Takes you to next appointment

CTRL + G Sets up recurrence for an open appointment or meeting

Alt + (number of days you would like to see) Will show number of days in your Calendar

You’re welcome!


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