
How To Use Back Tap On Your iPhone

Did you know that there is an easier way to perform actions/shortcuts on your iPhone?  Anyone who knows me knows that I hate wasting time and keystrokes. I want to get things done in the quickest, easiest way possible and have it done correctly as well.

So I am here to tell you that you can absolutely do this using your iPhone. You can double-tap or triple-tap the back of your phone! Yeah, I did it and nothing happened.  But now I will tell you how to make it happen and you’re gonna love it – I promise.

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Go to Settings |Accessibility | Touch  | Back Tap
  2. Select Double Tap or Triple Tap
  3. Now just select an action you would like

That’s it! It doesn’t get any easier.  See?  I told ya you would love it!

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