
How To Turn Off Active Status On Instagram

In this video, I’m going to show you how to turn off active status on Instagram. This will be demonstrated on my laptop at instagram.com and on my Android phone Instagram app. All of us are probably on one social media site or another. With that being said, sometimes when we are on those sites we would like not to be shown using it to others. When you are active on these sites or even the app, the site is showing the last time you were active to everyone else, too.

You can also learn more about this social site by checking out some other videos I have created about Instagram:

This time, I would like to show you how you can turn off the active status on your Instagram account. Since Facebook owns this site too, I might as well show you how to stop them from telling everyone you are online. We all need our private time when hanging out on these social sites. Time for us to learn how to keep our private time private. Let’s begin the training:


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