
How To Make A Brochure Using Publisher

I know there are not a lot of folks not using Microsoft Publisher and I do not know why other than the fact that they do not know how to use it. This is a pretty useful and versatile piece of software and it is not difficult to use at all, once you know what to do. You can create a tri-fold or three-panel brochure or a flyer for your bake sale with this software!

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Launch Microsoft Publisher by clicking File | New.
  2. On the Start page that appears, click Brochure.

New Brochure

  1. Now, click a brochure of your choice in the Gallery of templates.
  2. Click Create.
  3. To get a better look at the template you have chosen, click the arrows next to More Images.


Not crazy about the template you chose?  Well, the good news is that you can change it!


Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Click Page Design | Change Template.
  2. Replace graphics or text in your template by right-clicking either a text box or a graphic image and clicking Delete Text or Change Picture.

So, now if you find a template that you DO like, you can always customize the areas you are not thrilled with.


Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Click the Page Design tab and do some experiments with fonts, color themes, backgrounds, etc.
  2. Once you are happy with your results, click File | Print and select an option.
  3. Then click Export to find save as PDF or other Pack and go options for photo of commercial printing.
  4. Click Print to make copies on your own printer.

So now that you know some basics of this pretty cool software, why not take a spin with it and see how creative you can be.

1 thought on “How To Make A Brochure Using Publisher”

  1. Raguveeradayal

    Madam Karol Bratt,
    I am a regular follower of you for the past few years.
    “I know there are not a lot of folks not using Microsoft Publisher and I do not know why other than the fact that they do not know how to use it. ”
    Yes! True
    I do not know about people living elsewhere in the world but what I am to write is almost the views of Indians.
    Many are used to Pagemaker about which you know better.
    Having used it for many years, when we try in MS Publisher we find it extremely difficult to align text justified, especially Indic languages.
    Even though the graphics and templates in Publisher are useful even to a layman, in Text area Publisher is just another MS Word. Publisher is supposed to be a DTP software but they follow the code of MS Word only and not the algoritham of a DTP software. When the text is aligned in Justified format and when Indic language is the input one can not adjust the lengthy uneven white spaces in between words and the most ugly look can not be avoided. Unless otherwise they do not improve it will not attract anybody.

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