You are viewing a webpage you found or perhaps one that came as a link in an email you received. Perhaps it was a recipe or maybe an article in an online newspaper. All you want is to send a portion of that webpage to someone, not the entire webpage. Here are a couple of ways you might do that.
Copy And Paste
Select the portion of the page you want to send, then right-click in the selection and choose Copy. This will place the selected portion in the clipboard.
Tip: When selecting a portion of the page, remember the Shift+Click method. Select the first item, then scroll down to the last item you want to include, hold the shift key down and click at the end of the last word. Everything from the first word selected through to the last word will be selected even if it is down to another page on your screen.
Open your email app and compose a new email to your friend. In the body of the email, right-click > paste and the portion of the email you selected will be included along with any working links.
Snipping Tool
Win+Shift+S and draw a box around the portion you want to send to someone else. This places it in the clipboard as an image. Open your email app and compose a new email to your friend. In the body of the email, right-click > paste and the portion of the email you selected will be included as an image. It will not have any working links.
If you can copy it, you can paste it into an email and send it. Also, if you can copy it, you can paste it into other places as well such as a Facebook post.
Dick Evans (1943-2021) was in the tech industry for more than fifty years. Beginning his career in the '60s on IBM mainframes, he has been a Programmer, a Data Processing Manager (now called Information Systems Manager), a Consultant, an Assistant Professor, and a Writer. He has been published in a number of computer publications and has spoken at conferences here in the US and abroad. He is currently retired from the faculty at Rhode Island College and consulting/writing part-time, holding teaching seminars, and maintaining a number of Web sites. He maintains a blog with technical “stuff” and has a Web site at