
How To Add Natural Voices To Narrator In Windows 11

In this article, I’ll present a step-by-step guide on how to add natural voices to the Windows 11 Narrator.

Narrator is an option among Windows 11’s accessibility features which provide assistance for disabled users. Narrator already includes a number of computer-generated voice options but now you can also add in natural voices. Here’s how…

Add Natural Voices To Narrator

  • Navigate to Settings > Accessibility > Narrator 

  • Switch the Narrator option to On

  • Next, click the Add button and you’ll be presented with a list of natural voice options

  • Choose a voice (click on it) and then click the Install button

All done. You can install multiple natural voices but only one at a time. You’re also supposed to be able to preview the selected voice prior to installing but I was unable to do that, with the “Preview” button staying greyed out and inactive throughout. Not sure why – I’m running a Windows 11 Insider Preview build so maybe that has something to do with it.

Once your chosen natural voice has been installed, it is available in the drop-down menu under “Choose a voice”. Here, you can also access settings to adjust the voice’s speed, pitch, and volume.


The Narrator in Windows 11 narrates everything, every keystroke, click, and activity. At the same time, it also places a blue border around available options and/or active buttons to highlight same. All of which I’d imagine would be a great assistance to anyone with impaired vision.

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