Happy Holidays from Daves Computer Tips

It’s that time of year again! Our minds wonder as we look back at the past year. The joys. The tears. The good. The bad.

We here at DCT have made great strides in the past year. Not all good, mind you, but the majority were. We try very hard to be professional, and friendly, while providing content of value. We don’t expect your trust – we hope we earn it. If you don’t think so, well stick around as we have big plans for 2012.

But, none of that matters in the grand scheme of things because DCT would be nothing without each and every one of you! The visitors are what make Daves Computer Tips what it is! The comments. The forum posts. The reading of posts. All make DCT the vibrant community it has become. We can not thank you enough!

I’ve said this before, but it remains true. When I speak of DCT to friends, family, DCT writers, and even strangers I always refer to is as “our site”. It grew way beyond me many years ago.

Thank you for your participation. Thank you for your time. Thank you for allowing us into your inbox each week. Thank you!

The Daves Computer Tips team wishes you and your family the best of holidays and may we all have a very happy, and healthy, New Year!

Want to get us a present for all the good deeds we’re done over the past year? Here’s our short list:

5 thoughts on “Happy Holidays from Daves Computer Tips”

  1. Yep. Merry Christmas to all our fabulous readers. Sincerely wishing you a peaceful, safe Christmas and a wonderful 2012.

    All the best…Jim

  2. No no no… THANK-YOU. As a ” new kid ” to your site & newsletter, I consider myself lucky to have come across a no-cr*p and down to earth crew. Merry Christmas to you and yours and all the best in the New Year. Cheers!

  3. Thank you Dave and all the team , especially that oz bloke from QLD.AUS. So here’s wishing you all the best for Xmas and the New year and may 2012 be just as good including DCT which has risen to greater heights in leaps and bounds.. my sincere Regards ejgippy.

  4. Merry Christmas to you Dave and Jim and to everybody else and their families.

    Thank you for a great site to be a part of

  5. A very happy new year to the team. Thank you for being there and may you Be there whenever needed.

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