
Got A Question? Ask An Expert

We at DCT are proud to announce a new service for our readers. If you are struggling to understand a particular process, software, operating system setting, anything, you can now contact our experts and ask your questions.

To contact an expert, click on “About Us” in the menu across the top of the page and then click “Contact“.

UPDATE: The menu has changed since this post was published. “Ask An Expert” has now been given its own place on the main menu.


Fill out the Contact Form and then click Submit. Please provide as much information as possible to help us assist you including the Operating System (Edition and Version), and specs for any hardware related to your question.

NOTEIf you are experiencing a specific computer problem/issue please use the DCT Forum to post your questions where you will receive assistance in a more timely manner.

The answers to your questions will be published periodically in a special article. If we receive multiple questions regarding the same or a very similar question, we will then create and publish a specific article based on that particular question.

So, ask away.

6 thoughts on “Got A Question? Ask An Expert”

  1. Thank you Richard,
    I will advise relatives and friends, et al since I no longer assist them due to the increasing amount of time it took out of my day to assist them, especialy Seniors.
    You will certainly get some wierd and outlandish questions, and requests from some of the Seniors..

    1. Richard Pedersen

      You are welcome, Jon.
      I have my seatbelt secured. 😉

      Jim deserves the credit for pushing this idea forward.

  2. The menu on my page is different. Under About Us, all I get is Policies. Am I looking in the wrong place?

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi Tony,

      The menu has changed since this post was published. “Ask An Expert” has now been given its own place on the main menu.

      This article has been updated.

      Thanks for pointing this out to us,

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