Hey everyone, I'm wondering if there's a way to get updates for Windows and Office products without going through Windows Update. For some reason Windows Update/Automatic Updates stopped working on my laptop and even their free technical support for it hasn't been successful in getting it to work again after weeks of trying. Is there a manual solution? Or maybe another service that does the same thing and downloads them for you? Getting them validated isn't a problem if I have to go through that either.
I have no idea where my updates left off at so something automatic that can determine which updates I need would be ideal but I'd settle for anything right now. After this most recent patch for IE7 (which I did find a manual link for) it's probably more important than ever I keep my system all patched up.
There used to be several tools out there, but I think MS shut them all down.
You could always set up your own Windows Update Server, but if the problem is with Windows Updates Service, then you're stuck.
What errors do you get when Windows Update tries to run? That seems disconcerting to me that it would error out (I thought MS patched it without consent just to prevent that).
Are you able to go to windowsupdate.microsoft.com and download from there?
If MS can't figure it out I doubt I would have much of a chance.
If you want to try some alternatives I would look to the following...
[url=http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal/:ta9f7iw5]Secunia PSI[/url:ta9f7iw5]
WindizUpdate would be my first choice.
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