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I'm having a problem with mce saving my 9 radio presets.
I have tried two or more methods:
1) input each radio station and then hit the save button
2) input all 9 preferred radio stations, and then hit the save button.
Neither method seems to work for me so that each time I activate MCE all the presets are saved, and I can choose which one I want to listen to.
They may last for a couple days only. But especially after going on the internet (I'm on dial-up) to get a windows or virus update, I can almost guarantee the next time I want to use mce, those radio presets will be vanished, even though I know I saved them by hitting the save button.
But yet when I have just one preset saved (not fully loaded with 9 saved presets) and choose it, an update doesn't seem to affect this vanishing syndrome. It seems to happen only when I want to save the entire 9 presets allowed.
Can anybody help me solve this mystery? Is there a setting in the registry that needs changing? I'm not savy enough to make such a change on my own, and am very hesitant about manually making any registry changes.
Asking for help please.
I just installed Media center and don't yet have a radio antenna hooked up, so I'm not entirely sure about this feature.
Have you experimented to see if it's only when all 9 or filled? I know you tried 1, but what about 5? 8? 2.5?
when you go online, does Media Center close abnormally (error message or something?)
Do you close Mediacenter before going online?
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