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Okay, now this is weird. It's been a long time since I ventured into XP but I could swear I always had access to 'Copy to' and 'Move to' options in the right click context menu. I have just been trying to help a friend, via telephone, to copy or move some execute/setup files on to flash drive and she is not getting those options in the right click menu......she has XP Pro SP2.
I Googled it and found, to my amazement, many hits on how to add these options in my memory failing me big time or what?
I do not want to attempt talking her through any registry changes....she is completely computer illiterate. We overcame the problem by dragging and dropping the files from explorer into the open flash drive directory.
So, my question is I going mad? I ran XP Home for over 4 years and would have bet money that 'Copy to' and 'Move to' were available.
P.S. I am amazed at how little time it takes to 'forget'....I was so familiar with XP, it was like the back of my, after just 8 months XPless, procedures, locations, etc. are fast fading into oblivion.....or is that just me!
I can't say I remember them being in XP but I've been away from it for a long time too, switching away for Linux, then Mac, now Vista. However, I would have never used them anyway because I always use CTRL-C, CTRL-X, CTRL-V. Isn't that easier, even easy enough to teach someone over the phone?
If you have a running copy of XP you could make the registry edits and export them to .reg files. Email them to here and all she would have to do is click them to change her registry.
Hold on, I'll see if I can find them on the interweb...
[url=]Copy to/Move to Registry file[/url:2z1od5xr]
Hey Guys, thanks for all your help.
[b:2ob3igns]Matt[/b:2ob3igns] - Okay, at which stage do you hit Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C or do you associate those keystrokes with the file you wish to move/copy and which does what?
[b:2ob3igns]Zig [/b:2ob3igns]- Thanks mate, my lovely wife has just telephoned the little white van, they are coming to take me away....aha
[b:2ob3igns]Dave[/b:2ob3igns] - Thanks for the link to the script mate...what does she need to do with it (be polite now). I am assuming copy & paste it to notepad, save the file and then 'merge' or 'run' it? I don't have XP running at all.....could I copy and paste to notepad in Vista then send her the saved file with .reg extension via email attachment?
You would have to know this lady to understand.....she is lovely and quite intelligent but also completely ditzy and has no computer savvy whatsoever...I can give her instructions on how to perform even the easiest of tasks and 10 minutes later they are forgotten. Even if I send her a very basic simple guide via email she is still lost.
thanks again,
If she had that file on her computer all she will need to do is double click the file, though there will be a warning she will have to accept.
Now, ctrl-c is COPY - ctrl-x = CUT - ctrl-V = PASTE. If a file or files are highlighted and you click the ctrl key and c key at the same time the files are copied to the clipboard. Go to where you want them and click the ctrl key and v key and the files will be placed in that location.
I've covered this in the newsletter lately. You can start with part #1 of [url=]How to move, rename, and organize files in windows[/url:1j1cwlw3], which gives the background.
Okay, thanks Dave....too easy!
I thought the Ctrl+keys might do that (same as copy, cut, paste in the right click menu).....if I sent her those instructions she would be well lost....even if I went through them step by step over the telephone she would never remember how to do it again......I had enough trouble trying to walk her through the copy and paste from explorer to destination (you have no idea!). For this lady, adding those options to the right click menu is the [i:2ylj7vzm]only[/i:2ylj7vzm] way to go.
I must have missed that article in your news idea how. I just read through it now....excellent as always.
thanks all,
It's also possible to compliment (replace) the copy/move feature with a tiny program called Teracopy (link to site [u:2ji7d3y6][/u:2ji7d3y6] and it does support Vista too). Been using this gem for several months and find it integrates (if you opt to install it as well) into XP. I'm using the free version, Mindblower!
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