Hello, I am looking for info on how to clean out the right click menu in Windows Vista Ultimate. It seems that just about everything adds items to it and now it is so long that I have to scroll up or down a ways just to find the properties button now and I want to clean out a lot of it but still leave in the programs that I installed. I went into the preferences and options on most of the programs and can not find any setting in there to get them out of the right click menu. All help would really be appreciated.
The items in the right-click menu are called shell extensions or context extensions. Shell extensions usually appear all the time. Context extensions appear for certain file types. Like it you right click a .doc file an option will appear to open with Word.
If you have a relative idea what you want to remove you can use AutoRuns - [url:2ivp7bid]http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx[/url:2ivp7bid].
This is a very powerful program what will let you modify quite a few things in Windows. [b:2ivp7bid]You don't want to go around unchecking things willy nilly, or you will be in trouble![/b:2ivp7bid] Be sure to right click the program and select "Run as Administrator" or you won't be able to make any changes.
Run the program and click the Explorer tab. This is where you will find the items you want to remove. It would be a good idea to write down exactly what you want to remove (i.e., which programs have added things that you don't want). Go to Options at the top and select "Hide Microsoft Entries", then click the little refresh icon in the tool bar. You will now have a list of shell/context extensions added by programs you've installed. Uncheck the ones you don't believe you need. close the program and reboot. Problem solved!
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