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Hi does anyone know where there is a manual or cheat sheet for Windows 7 written for the newbie? I went from XP to Windows 7 and I am so confused. I feel like I went from a Covered Wagon to a Space Ship. Help! Specifically when we loaded the data from my old computer to the new one, there seems to be several catagories and subcatagories of the same name. I want to combine them and delete the duplicates, however if I delete one sub catagory it deletes in the main catagory.
Hey TT - Welcome to 2011.
There was a free guide available in PDF format called "Windows 7 Guide - Newbies to Pros", but I just checked on availability and you now have to jump through hoops in order to get it free. I downloaded a copy when it was just a simple download, I could send it to you as an email attachment if you like - it's just under 3MB?
As for the multiple categories: can you please be more specific - what are the names of the duplicated categories/folders? Are we talking about personal folders such as Documents, Music, Pictures, etc. - and are talking about duplicates under "Libraries"?
Hi, sorry for the late reply, I assumed (you know what that means) that I would get an email with any replies. Okay here goes, I have under Libraries, Documents, My Documents and tons of sub catagories including Back Ups and Back ups of Back ups. My 6 year old Dell with XP was in its last gasps of life when we grabbed all files and just dumped them in the new Toshiba with Windows 7. To make matters worse we also purchased MS 2010 Office Professional. And yes we have pictures videos too. I do not have duplicare Libraries. I have been moving all the file to My document and telling it to allow duplicates and at some later time I will try to get them side by side and re-name one so I can delete it without deleting the original. YES, I would love to get the email. <[color=#0040BF:1n7qijjk]email address removed by moderator[/color:1n7qijjk]> Thanks
Hey TT - Sorry mate but I removed the email address for your own security. You should never post your email address on a public platform. There are auto-bots which continuously scour for email addresses posted on forums, comments sections, etc., any they find are snaffled up and passed on to spammers.
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Now to the main question: Still uncertain as to exactly what you mean, but suggest you have a read through [url=]HERE[/url:2jfsl85i], and [url=]HERE[/url:2jfsl85i] (more in depth).
I would love a win 7 manual!! It is so confusing with all the unfamiliar programs.
I knew XP like the back of my hand and it was like an old friend.
I have had win 7 for only a month and feel like I am drowning in an unknown
wasteland of programs and new rules and denile of certain files ..reminds me of a virus
when it tells me ACCESS DENIED!~ WHOA...I bought you and you shouldnt deny me
any thing! And thats the least of my frustration! I paid 400 bucks to be denied my rights?
Any way Microsoft should be making manuals for us late buyers of win 7!
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