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Hi Not sure where to post this question as I couldn't find a WHS 2011 forum...
I have recently installed WHS 2011 and it is 99% working fine, however the on board audio Realtek HD fails when I logof or reboot. to get it going again I have to re install the driver. I downloaded the windows 7 / 8 64 bit driver which installs without any problem and the audio works until I logoff the next time. Can anybody help out here ? or even tell me where I should have posted this.
My Hardware is
Gigabyte GA 965P-S3 MB
3Gb Ram
Radeon HD5450 graphics card
250gb SATA Maxtor HD
Intel core 2 Duo 6300 processor
Many thanks Paul
Paul, sorry there is no WHS 2011 forum. I've never thought there would be enough participation to warrant one - unfortunately.
Are you using WHS as a desktop, or is it tucked out of the way serving as a server?
If it's tucked away - WHS was intended to be "headless", or without (normally) a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers. and accessed through the Dashboard and occasional RDP(remote desktop protocol). If you don't intend to use the box for daily "computing" I wouldn't worry about sound at all.
Thanks for your reply Dave, yes i will be using it as a headless server it was just annoying me that this was the last little niggle I have. I had to disable just about everything on board before it would install and this was the last device to re enable. Just need to find out how to remove the speaker from the system tray else that will annoy me!. Thanks once again for your reply. Paul
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