This year, this month actually, was going to be the moment in time I started to leave XP and jump forward to Windows 7. Was so close, since I'd also be upgrading to the 64bit mode. Then, out of the blue, I need to get an external drive (best backup device money can buy - especially for holding files from more than one computer.
Knew that going from 32 to 64 bit mode meant I'd need to get more RAM (4 is too little), but I did not know the current RAM would become obsolete. Something about the configuration, etc... meant more money to be spent, so I guess I'll be waiting for Windows 8. Did you hear, it's slated for year 2012, Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"
[i:mfaoa6so][b:mfaoa6so](4 is too little)[/b:mfaoa6so][/i:mfaoa6so]
Hey MB - Did you mean 4GB RAM? That's heaps. Just because you get the 64-bit version doesn't necessarily mean you [i:mfaoa6so]must [/i:mfaoa6so]get more RAM, just means you can do if you want to. Windows 7 (64-bit) will run OK with just 1GB RAM, run very nicely with 2GIG and run great with 4GIG.
At least that's what I reckon anyway.

Just my 2 pennies....
Unless you're the kind you enjoys sorting out conflicting/failing RAM sticks (it happens), 4 GB is plenty. My initial Win 7 build was with 2x2Gb sticks. I added 2 more gigs 'cuz some guy named [i:ytrt55u1]Dave[/i:ytrt55u1] pointed out my 1Gb video card was going to take a chunk of my original configuration!
I'd give you more reasons, but I'm away from home today, helping a friend bail buckets because of a leaking roof. We're in L.A. with a week of heavy rain on the horizon!

Thanks for all the support (getting me to switch/improve my o/s). I hear you and the day will come. Just not sure when and/or how soon. Might even call it getting cold feet, as I hear newer o/s's have a shorter time span. The old "if it ain't broke - don't touch it" saying comes to mind. Once again, thanks for the shoulder, Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"

I concur with the previous posters. I'm running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit with "just" 2GB of RAM since upgrading from XP Pro utilizing the same existing components prior to the switch and I've not felt one moment of lag! If anything, my entire rig feels quite a bit snappier than it ever has. That being said, with my new 64-bit OS I will be upgrading to my current motherboard's maximum RAM of 8GB, but it's not because of any performance issues at all, it's simply a matter of wanting the latest-and-greatest (and fastest) possible setup.
Don't let your current RAM situation dissuade you from making the jump to Windows 7! It's everything that was promised with Vista, except this time MS delivered!

[quote="joseywales":1hluas7m]Don't let your current RAM situation dissuade you from making the jump to Windows 7! It's everything that was promised with Vista, except this time MS delivered![/quote:1hluas7m]
This post brought to you by Microsoft...
I've yet to actually use 7. I'm still trying to convince my boss to move to 7 instead of Vista. :/

All this good talk of switching to Windows 7, is this from a home user point of view, or from someone who uses Windows 7 at work, and thus has become familiar (used to and so on)?
Because seriously, the cost of the upgrade, when considering more than one computer, when they still work, is not just pocket change.
The other comical twist, is how long before Windows 7 gets replaced, or will XP out live Windows 7?
So far, XP has out lived Vista, Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"

Win 7 is just OK in my book-some nice features like quickly finding drivers on it's own is a real improvement.I'm not a fan of the new Search,and being forced to scroll for All Programs is a step backward IMHO."Start Menu 7" is the best of the lot to cure this affliction.As for going 64bit-can't seem to find one good reason.I'm running 64bit Ultimate on a custom desktop-3.5Ghz w/ 4 gigs overclocked Ram,and 32bit Pro on 2.2Ghz w/ 3 gigs DDR3 Ram.The 32bit is slightly faster! Yes I'm a tweaker,and I'm still searching for the "magic wand" here.Also,64bit just hasn't come mainstream for third party software(still waiting guys)-everything's going to install to your x86 files and run as compatible anyway,so why bother? My old Dell with a dual core 2.8 Ghz w/ 4 gigs(3.25 utilized) running XP SP2 32bit still blows the doors off both of my Win7 rigs!! In fairness though,that's been a 2 year "tweaking adventure".Seems the third party coders haven't unraveled the architecture of the new OS as none of the "tweaking" software I've tried works worth a tinker's damn.I'm still trying to learn just what the hell all these Services and Processes are,and what they actually do!! The experiment continues as my Event Log overflows with errors and warnings as I muck about in the workings of the bloated and redundant OS.For now,38 processes seems to be the lowest number I can muster,without consequence,as compared to a lean and mean 22 processes that propel my "good 'ole XP" into the passing lane around and off into the distance well ahead of the new M$ offering.No,this is not a rant,merely an observation.I know I can make 7 faster-hell,I've done it with Vista for the folks who were deluded enough to purchase it,so why not ??!!
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