My last post was in regards to Windows 8. I HATED IT AND GOT RID OF IT! I'm now using Windows 7. Have things to be downloaded which are in PDF format. In browsing the 'net I find all manner of things to be downloaded but which are loaded up with miscellaneous garbage that I don't need or want. Any suggestion for a rock-solid PDF converter that is simply bare-bones and free?

Hi, Jim. MY, but you're quick to respond!
The downloads that I'm considering are supposedly in PDF format. I wish to somehow convert these to word documents in either Wordpad or Notepad and then print them. At this time, I do not have a licensed copy of Microsoft Word. Generally speaking, and for the type of things that I do, the two programs noted above usually do the trick. This begs the question as to whether I can use those two programs for the function that I'm describing or will I have to bite the bullet and get Word on this machine?
LOL. Must have got the timing just right mate.
So, sounds like you are after a free PDF to Text converter. The majority of these programs convert from PDF to Word but here is one which converts from PDF to Text and seems to tick the boxes... http://www.somepdf.com/some-pdf-to-txt-converter.html
It's the top item on the page, called "Some PDF to Text Converter" and is recommended at Gizmo's TechSupportAlert (which is generally recommendation enough).
Cheers... Jim
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