Dear Ozbloke
I used to have XP and I was able to use window movie maker to cut a piece out of a video.
Now I have windows 7 and I am completely lost. I have lots of free programs but could always use more.
I am trying to make a copy of a movie and then take a few clips out and really need baby baby steps.
I know I have to change the movie to avi I think. But I cant do anything in windows 7
and even old videos dont seem to get along with the windows 7 movie maker
Helppppppppppp please
Hi Ema - I don't have time right at the moment to post the information you are after (sorry)....I'm going out to bowls for the afternoon.
I can tell you that extracting sections of video to create smaller clips is pretty easy using Windows Live Movie Maker.
I'll post a guide for you first thing tomorrow....with screenshots and all!!
Jim Mate
I hope you win at bowls. Please remember that when you say look at the left it might be the wrong left. lool
Please also give me directions to also make a copy of the movie. My daughter decided to become an actress and has some parts I want to clip out. I am sure you will make it easy for me to do.
Thanks Ema
Hey Ema - I decided to post the pictorial guide on Daves Computer Tips blog. Largely because the blog is a much better platform for these types of articles, plus I thought it might be useful for others too.
You can view and read through the guide [url=http://www.davescomputertips.com/2011/08/how-to-extract-part-of-a-video-using-windows-lifve-movie-maker/:1mjnwla8]HERE.[/url:1mjnwla8]
If any questions still remain, please post back here.
[quote:1mjnwla8]Please also give me directions to also make a copy of the movie[/quote:1mjnwla8]
I don't quite understand what you mean by that Ema. Is it the original movie you wish to copy or the extracted clips??
Cheers mate.....Jim
P.S. I did win at bowls!!
[quote:14tzlw4z]I have the movie on a Dvd and need to take clips of the movie[/quote:14tzlw4z]
Aha!! Then you will need to rip the DVD to hard drive first.
Try this software, it's FREE and quite easy to use: [url=http://www.winxdvd.com/dvd-ripper/:14tzlw4z]WinX DVD Ripper.[/url:14tzlw4z]
[quote:14tzlw4z]I am trying to clip an old video to practice and its not working.
I know I must be doing something stupid or skipping over something
but cant figure out what.[/quote:14tzlw4z]
Just take your time mate. Go through the guide carefully, one step at a time.
Jim Thanks you are wonderful
I downloaded the winx that was easy. I tried reading the instructions but I got stuck. I dont seem to be able to do directions. oy . On the ripper there are a lot of different settings that have to be set but I dont know how to set them. So I left them alone
I have the dvd in the pc and on the right side under output it says 0001.avi. I pressed the start button and it worked. The only problem is it went into HP recovery D output folder. so its not in c and I couldnt find it. But the page was still on my desktop so I dragged it to a new folder. So I think so far so good.
Unless you want me to change the settings.
This ripper ripped it to avi... yes...
Can you tell me how to find the other folder or should I just use the one on my desktop.
Is there a free editor that you know for me because windows moviemaker is tooooooo hard for me.
Like I said but not enough............ Thanks you are wonderful
Hey Ema,
[quote:1bgey0lt]On the ripper there are a lot of different settings that have to be set but I dont know how to set them[/quote:1bgey0lt]
You do not need to change any of those settings Ema. They are default settings which will work best for most people. So just leave them as they are.
[quote:1bgey0lt]Can you tell me how to find the other folder or should I just use the one on my desktop.[/quote:1bgey0lt]
There should be a setting under Options where you can specify the destination folder for the output (converted) file. I haven't used WinX DVD Ripper Free but I do have the Platinum version. Here is how to change the destination (output) folder in that, should be the same in the Free version:
Click on[b:1bgey0lt] Options[/b:1bgey0lt] in the menu across the top, in the new window that pops up you should see "Output Folder" with a 'Browse' button next to it. Click on the [b:1bgey0lt]Browse [/b:1bgey0lt]button, navigate to the folder you wish to save the output files to, highlight that folder and then click [b:1bgey0lt]OK[/b:1bgey0lt]:
[attachment=0:1bgey0lt]WinX DVD Ripper.png[/attachment:1bgey0lt]
[quote:1bgey0lt]Is there a free editor that you know for me because windows moviemaker is tooooooo hard for me.[/quote:1bgey0lt]
Yes, here is one that I located for my daughter when she wanted to extract a part of a video. She told me later that it worked very well for her and she had no trouble using it:
[url=http://www.machetesoft.com/home/about-machete-video-editor-lite.html:1bgey0lt]Machete Video Editor Lite.[/url:1bgey0lt]
Cheers mate.....Jim
I finally started windows movie maker just before I read your post and I was able to get one clip but not more.
Maybe you could help me how to make a folder and put them in also if they can be attached and how to continue the movie once I made a cut to go to another part.
In the mean time I need to make a few more movies from the original or should I make them from the one I ripped and how.
I am now going to download the one your daughter uses. I hope its easy.
Thanks Jim slowly but surely I am getting there.
This project is satisfying my ocd gene
My Hero Jim
I downloaded the free lite machete. I made a few clips with windows moviemaker and was so proud of myself and when I went to look at them I thought I was in twilight zone. yuk my clips ..... werent
Can you send me a few sentences in your own words to get me started on machete . Thankssssss
Jim... I have been trying by myself to figure it out but so far no luck ...
So I am back to windows movie maker. So far I can start a clip but when I go to save it. I found that I had saved the whole movie a few times and not the piece I sliced . This is what I did exactly .....start the slice and stop it ....then I went to ....save project as .... and then went to ....sharing.... and saved it with the middle icon. This is exactly what I did a few times so I must be missing something.
Thanks Ema
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