Hi all, i am running windows 7 and a window washer utility that does it's job ok but i have noticed that the Index.Dat files are growing around 20kb's plus a day.
Are they needed and what is their reason for being?
Can they be safely deleted and how?
[color=#0000FF:3k9azev6]A long time shmoozer - first post[/color:3k9azev6]

I have grabbed CCCleaner which will wipe .Dat files and also stopped saving encrypted files to disc through internet options.
Having previously run a low powered XP machine and tweaking the hell out of it as best i could - the start up programs ended up about 3 i think, anything not needed removed from services as well. ( managed to get Photoshop to run smoothly, no hitches or delay while using it )
Now running Windows 7 with 2 GB's of ram - old habits die hard
Recommend MyDefrag V4.2.4.
index.dat files are exactly that - index files. I think you will find this is the index file for internet explorer. If you delete the temp from from the tools menu it will decrease in size, or once you reach the number of days you have elected to keep your history (or the amount of disk space you've limited IE temp files) it will level off and remain pretty constant.
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