Hey Guys - I see MS are offering a special discount on pre-ordered upgrade versions of Windows 7......Home Premium for $50.00us. My question is this.....could I use an upgrade version to write over my existing Vista installation and then re-install vista onto my second internal hard drive. Or, take an image of Vista just prior to upgrading and then restore the image to the second HDD? That should work okay, yes?
cheers all....JIM

Okay...thanks Nightowl. That's what I figured but it's nice to hear it confirmed. I might go ahead and pre-order an upgrade copy then.....any suggestions on the version?? I am thinking Home Premium, I saw an unofficial comparison of features between the various versions, the Pro and Ultimate don't appear to offer anything I would particularly miss?
Thanks again mate,

Hi Jim:
I ordered the Business version from Amazon yesterday. The release candidate version is Ultimate, but there are only a couple of things that it has that the Business version does not have. I wanted the networking available in the Business version. I work with a couple of businesses so would like to know about the networking abilities that are in the Business version. However, I'm sure that Home Premium is more than adequate.
I'm not sure how many licenses come with these upgrade versions, hoping more than one, so you can use it more than once if necessary. Something else I'm curious about.......will you be able to upgrade from the release candidate...or does it only upgrade from Vista Just something else to add to the confusion!!!
Hey Nightowl - Thanks for the advice....much appreciated. I thought Home Premium would be sufficient for me....I don't need any networking functions so...Premium it is!!
The release candidate is not upgradeable mate, it was just issued for us guinea pigs to help find any bugs and to garner feed back....once it expires, that is it. I would be surprised if any of the upgrade versions involve more than one license...in fact, I would be surprised if any of the W7 versions involve multiple licenses (outside of any Enterprise version that is).....MS have generally always worked on the, one copy per machine principle.
thanks for your help mate,
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