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I have win 10, and Home and student office 16.
Since last some times , a normally saved document is word opens, with the warning that it is locked for editing and is read only. so either i have to open another and merge or save under a different name.
Why and how it happens, and what can I do?
Thanks in advance.
Hey Shobha,
MS Office is not exactly my area of expertise. Are these documents that you have compiled yourself or documents that have been sent to you by someone else?
When you open the document does it say "Protected View" in a bar across the top of the document with a button to "Enable Editing"? (see attached image)
These are my documents.
Sometimes I see the bar at the top, other times while saving I get the message I must use a different name and or place.
Sometimes it opens a read only copy and opens another identical one and merges them.
Sometimes there is no problem.
As far as I can see, I dont see any pattern.
I cannot fully understand the issue. If you see a message at the top saying you are in a read-only mode, click it to change to an edit mode.
Perhaps the file you are opening is not a docx or doc format. Maybe it is another format that Word can open but not save in its original format.
If when you go to save and it tells you the format is not docx, then allow it to change to docx.
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