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Does anyone have a neat trick for either finding and replacing specific format or automating a format
Every time we type H2S we would like the 2 to be subscript. Right now we are doing it manually, I did find the way to add it to quick parts but unless there is a keyboard shortcut to insert it, it takes just as much time to insert the quick part as it does to just subscript the 2.
If anyone knows of something I would be forever grateful - when you add up how many times a day we are doing this, it would save hours a year if we could automate.
Provided by Carol Bratt:
Manually subscript the character of your choice.
After doing so, select the text and copy it using CTRL + C.
Click CTRL + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
In the Find box key in the text that you have not edited.
In the Replace box, paste the text that you manually added the subscript to.
Click Replace All.
This should do the trick for you. I hope this has been helpful to you. If not, please post back here and I will endeavor to help you further.
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