Hey guys
This is my site http://www.wordtemplates.org/ Give me Some suggestions and feedback about my site please let me know that how can i improve my site ??
Thank you so much in advance
here is a short intro about my site please check this out
A huge collection of [url=http://www.wordtemplates.org/:1832ywri]Word Templates[/url:1832ywri] are presented here to help our visitors in their daily tasks. Our collection includes Business Management Word Templates, Marketing Word Templates, School Templates, Home Templates, Greeting Cards Templates, [url=http://www.wordtemplates.org/:1832ywri]Flyer Templates[/url:1832ywri] and many more. The best thing about this site is that everything is free for everyone to download.
I've never (knowingly) used a Word Template before, but this seems like a good place to go find them.
I do like your site, but have one complaint. You have your email address spelled out on your front page (email at domain dot com). While this will prevent the spam bots from finding you, it will probably discourage frustrated users from contacting you, and they'll move on.
Other than that though, it looks pretty neat!
Hi, I am a new member to the forums although have been receiving Daves newsletter for a long time. I agree with balayage that having the more complex templates made to operate directly through open office would be great. As a recent retiree I previously used Word through my job, but on retiring moved to open office which I find provides me with everything I need in an office package. The introduction of the templates would certainly be well received I am sure by all who don't wish to contribute more money to Microsoft.
First of all, I am wondering who created these templates and secondly they contain macros, which I think everyone should be leery of unless the document is from a trusted source.
Secondly, When you download these templates you get a popup that says some functions may not be available if you do not have OfficeReady 3.0 which receives very poor reviews. I would think twice before using these templates. With a minimum amount of effort you could create any one of these templates yourself.
Just my humble two cents worth...