I am a 55 yea rold grandmother of two grandsons, mother to 2 sons, one daughter and wife to my hubby of 37 years. I got my first computer when my youngest son went into the U.S. Navy and he wanted to keep in touch with us without big telephone bills. I am on my second desktop, first one went to a friend that couldn't afford one so her two children could learn to use computers. I also have a laptop that I take with me when I go up to Va. to see youngest son and his family when they need a baby sitter when grandson's daycare is closed for vacation. In fact we will be driving up there in a few weeks. I work as a school crossing guard at the elementary school my kids went to. I have been doing it for almost 20 years. My stress reliever is working out in my garden of daylilies.
If you are not familiar with daylilies, check them out at http://www.daylilies.org
I try to help a computer illiterate husband who uses a computer for banking on line and playing solitaire. But sometimes I run into problems and I need a backup of help I can go to.
Hey Dawn - Great to have you here!! I am a 66 year old great granddad, grandpa to 13 and father of 4 - got married real young.
We have similar but reverse situations - I try to help my technologically challenged wife.
We are at your service mate - you and your computer illiterate hubby that is.
Best... Jim

Thanks guys! I do have a problem with the laptop , I can't open any thing the requires a right click of the mouse. I don't how long it has been doing it since the last time I had the laptop in use was on May4 at my daylily club's annual flower show. I have a program on it that allows us to look up the daylily and see what classification class it belongs in. Our show is judged and ribbons and awards are given but every thing must be in accordance with AHS rules. Since then the laptop has given this notice that Windows Explorer has stopped working anytime a right click is done to open a shortcut, file or program.
If you like daylilies ,this is one of my most favrites, called Midnight Magic
Hey Dawn - Yes, I did reply to your original post outlining the Explorer crash issue. You need to utilize ShellExView to disable all non-Microsoft shell extensions - as per my article I linked to.
Here is a link to another site which discusses the identical issue, HERE.
Cheers... Jim
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