I have noticed a higher number of webpage ads being seen on nearly all websites I go too that hasn't been like that before. I have tried to google solutions (hosts files, adblocker) to no avail. I am running IE11 and thought I would start this thread for some ideas.
February 19, 2014 - 7:48 am
Member Since: January 31, 2014
Forum Posts: 18
No comment from anyone?
Jim Hillier
February 27, 2014 - 8:20 pm
Member Since: August 9, 2011
Forum Posts: 2710
I do apologize that nobody has responded earlier. I've been away on a break myself.
It's difficult to ascertain if the number of ads you are seeing is abnormal or not as we don't have any basis for comparison. Are the ads you are seeing related in some way, maybe pushing a similar product or types of products for example? If so, this may point to some kind of adware infection.