If you mean to monitor forums you can subscribe to their RSS feed and view many in your RSS reader of choice.
Something, not exactly what you're asking for, useful in firefox 4 is called App Tabs. Right click a tab and choose Pin as App Tab and it moves it to the far left and only displays a small icon for the tab - just a way to keep a few sites open without taking all of your screen real-estate.
I liked TweetDeck.I tried and I liked. Nice and fast interface and what I was searching for.The good thing is that he has conversations with manage replies and direct messages.
I will start also use Google Reader and subscribe to RSS feed simply.App Tabs-a very convenient and useful thing.
I will use all these things, because I decided instead of buying computer magazines-now more likely to use the forums.
Thank you all for your help and suggestions and greet warmly.
I think that the thread is closed.
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