You could try eWallet GO! Local storage, encrypted remote backup. Even has a Lastpass import tool. http://ewalletgo.com Not that I'm biased or anything. 😉 Lee @ Ilium Software

I read somewhere that even MS cannot open a password protected file in Word or Excel, I think they give that warning when you password protect a file. I use a password protected Excel file to store all my passwords, and keep a copy on each of our 2 computers. If either my wife or I add a password for a new site, we highlight the cells in yellow and I combine and update them once a month. Each of our 2 adult children know the master password and can access the file in case they ever have to if we are incapacitated, as they both have Powers of Attorney for both of us.
"Do Something. If it works, do more of it. If it doesn't, do
something else." - FDR
I used to use lastpass but after the mishap decided to go offline like roboform. I tried it but it was a little quirky with a crash or two here or there. I found a program called Sticky Password [url:sv8jyp7c]http://www.stickypassword.com/[/url:sv8jyp7c] I fell in love with it. It has a free version that you can use but a limit of 15 sites to store. The paid version is unlimited. It's perfect all except that little issue of paying for it after the trial.
It is definitely worth the money but being out of work does not bode well for buying programs. Unless Dave might be able to coax them to sponsor a giveaway
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